Transnational and Transregional Actors, World History Network, ESSHC 2016

Transnational and Transregional Actors, World History Network, ESSHC 2016

Holger Weiss, Abo Akademi; Matthias Middell, University of Leipzig; International Institute of Social History (IISH) Amsterdam
From - Until
30.03.2016 - 02.04.2016
Middell, Matthias

The next European Social Science History Conference is to be held in Valencia, Spain, from Wednesday 30 March up to and including Saturday 2 April 2016.

The major theme for the World History network will be Transnational and Transregional Actors.

With our call for papers, we would like to invite to a discussion about recent actor-centered research on world and/ or global history. We welcome a wide range of topics such as migration, cultural mediation and transfer, international organizations, border crossing conflicts as well as their prevention, but also the ideological foundation of transnational action. Particular emphasis is given to trans-regional action compared to the already better studied transnationalism. Of course, a plurality of theoretical approaches and methods as well as proposals concerning all historical periods are invited.

Among the panels already in the works are:
International Organizations and Cultural Entrepreneurs
Theories of Revolution, Reform and Democracy
Networks of Transnational Actors
Civil Society Actors Moralizing Global Markets
Trans-regional Studies and Social History

In addition, we are planning a session following the previously very successful format “Meet the Author” organized around a monograph commented from different angles by a group of specialists. Here too, we wait for your suggestions.

The World History Network welcomes proposals for theme sessions as well as individual papers.

Every participant can also act as a chair or a commentator outside the session where he/she is presenting his/her own paper.

We encourage proposed session to be rather discussion panels with maximum 4 participants and a discussant than formal paper presentations. We would like then to suggest that each of the panelists will have 15-20 minutes to present their research to leave sufficient time for the discussion. The papers will be uploaded on the website of the conference but the exchange is based on the principle of short oral introductions.

The official language of the conference is English.

Each session must include papers from several countries, with the maximum of two papers from/about one country, to achieve a truly international, comparative discussion. The network chairs may suggest papers to session organizers, particularly to fill a session otherwise incomplete. The final composition of each session is done by the network chairs.

How to register for the conference: Please fill out the pre-registration form on the ESSHC web-site.
Information on the conference and the pre-registration form can be found on the ESSHC website:

All those who have been already ESSHC participants can log in with their e-mail address and password. (If you do not remember your password you can use the lost password button.)

How to propose a paper or a session: Please send a max. 500 words abstract and list the potential speakers with their tentative topics. Please make all speakers aware that each person proposing a paper, even as part of a session proposal, has to register individually.

Please submit your proposal as soon as possible, and not later than May 1, 2015 Proposals submitted after the deadline of May 1, 2015, will not be accepted.

We would also like to encourage you to volunteer as chair or discussant.

For all matters, proposals as well as questions regarding individual participation, please send an email at both our addresses:

With our best regards,
Holger Weiss, Abo Akademi (Finland)
Matthias Middell, University of Leipzig (Germany)


Contact (announcement)

Holger Weiss, Abo Akademi

Matthias Middell, University of Leipzig
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