World History Connected 17 (2020), 3

World History Connected 17 (2020), 3
Other title information 
FORUM: Southeast Asia in World History: Art, Ethnicity, Gender, Identity, Modernity, and Trade

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Organization name
World History Connected
United States
Marc Jason Gilbert NEH Endowed Chair in World History College of Liberal Arts Hawai'i Pacific University 1188 Fort Street Honolulu, Hawai'i 96813 Phone 808-638-2563 E-mail
Marc Jason Gilbert

As this issue goes to press, the COVID-19 pandemic has proved to be a great disruptor of life in and out of academia: though trivial in terms of its global effects, it has contributed to the lateness of this number of the journal. However, it has not prevented this journal and others like it from ultimately gathering scholars and practitioners around a troubled world to address the continuing challenge of providing innovative research and the teaching of world history, such as the World History Bulletin’s “Teach in the Time of Corona,” (Spring/Summer 2020, Volume XXXVI, No. 1).

Pandemics have been addressed on many occasions by World History Connected and will be the subject of a future issue. Other future Forums (several articles addressing a single topic) currently under development are Latin America and the Caribbean, Empires, Sustainability, Maritime History, and South Asia. Individual articles on any subject germane to world history and ideas for future Forums are welcome at any time.

This issue’s topical Forum is devoted to exploring world history in a region, Southeast Asia, once neglected by, but now of increasing interest to, world historians for a variety of reasons, such as the global importance of its diverse Muslim population and the region’s growing recognition as a place where scholars and teachers have been able to identify world history processes and test new paradigms. The Forum is comprised of eight articles that offer fresh perspectives that are as important to the world history classroom as they are for researchers.

Table of contents


Introduction to the Forum
by Marc Jason Gilbert

Giving Up the Ghost: Rethinking Southeast Asia’s Maritime Past and its Place in World History
by Jennifer L. Gaynor

Negotiating Ambiguities: Female Rule in Muslim Asia during the Early Modern Period
by Barbara Watson Andaya

Islam and Modernity: A Reconciliation through Southeast Asian History
by Ethan Hawkley

Chinese Principalities in the Water Frontiers of Southeast Asia: Historical Significance and Memory of Hà Tiên, Lanfang, and Kokang
by Robert Y. Eng

The Friction of Distance in Borneo: Migration, Economic Change and Geographic space in Sabah
by David R. Saunders

The Bay and the Straits: The Melaka Era (1402-1641) in the Northern Bay of Bengal
by Rila Mukherjee

History Lessons from Vietnamese Francophone Literature
by Jack A. Yeager

Girl with Lotus and M-16: the equivocal legacy of the École des Beaux-arts de l’Indochine 1924–1945
by John Michael Swinbank

Digital Resources for Research and Teaching Southeast Asia in World History
by John Maunu


Imperial Intrigue: Entrepreneurs and Early Twentieth Century Attempts at United States Economic Expansion in Ottoman Iraq
by Jameel Haque

An Interview with a World Historian: Stanley Burstein
Conducted by Marc Jason Gilbert

Book reviews

Townsend, Camilla. Fifth Sun: A New History of the Aztecs.
by Andrae Marak

Spengler III, Robert N. Fruit from the Sands: The Silk Road Origins of the Foods We Eat.
by Robert Klemm

Delgado, James P. War at Sea: A Shipwrecked History from Antiquity to the Twentieth Century.
by Cynthia Ross

Dejung, Christof, David Motadel, and Jürgen Osterhammel, eds., The Global Bourgeoisie: The Rise of the Middle Classes in the Age of Empire.
by Jeffrey Auerbach

Headrick, David R. Humans Versus Nature: A Global Environmental History.
by Thomas Anderson

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