Ab Imperio (2006), 1

Ab Imperio (2006), 1
Other title information 
Language Difficulties: How and Why We Write the History of Empires and Nations

Published on
Kazan', Russland 2006: Selbstverlag des Herausgebers
124 € Jahresabo, 31 € Einzelhelheft



Organization name
Ab Imperio. Studies of New Imperial History and Nationalism in the Post-Soviet Space
Russian Federation
Postanschrift: P.O. Box 157, Kazan' 420015. Tel./Fax: 7-8432-644-018
Kaplunovskiy, Alexander

Dear colleagues,

The editors of Ab Imperio would like to draw your attention to the first issue of AI in 2006 “Language Difficulties: How and Why We Write the History of Empires and Nations ”. This issue opens our annual research program on Anthropology of Languages of Self-Description in Empire and Nation. Please, visit Ab Imperio website at http://abimperio.net for more information on our annual program and thematic issues, subscription, and other items of interest.
Please, contact the editors with any questions at

office@abimperio.net (Dr. Ilya Gerasimov)
akaplunovski@abimperio.net (Dr. Alexander Kaplunovskiy)
ai_us@abimperio.net (Dr. Sergey Glebov)
semyonov@abimperio.net (Dr. Alexander Semyonov)

Table of contents

Ab Imperio 1-2006 “Language Difficulties: How and Why We Write the History of Empires and Nations ”


From the Editors: Historians’ Reflections on Prospects of Linguistic and Anthropological Turn in Study of Empire and Nationalism (ENG/RUS)

Interview with Carlo Ginzburg On Rescuing Voices and Self-Description under Constraints (ENG)

Katherine Verdery: Bringing Anthropologists (Back) In (RUS)

Wolfgang Kaschuba: Ethnology as Dialogue? (RUS)

Mikhail Krom: Comments on the Address by Katherine Verdery (RUS)

David O’Kane: Power and Anthropology in the Twenty-First Century: Comments on Katherine Verdery’s “Bringing the Anthropologists (Back) In” (ENG)

Sergei Abashin: Anthropology and “Slavic Studies” (A View from Hereabout) (RUS)


Nikolay N. Kradin, Tatyana D. Skrynnikova: Why Do We Call Chinggis Khan’s Polity “An Empire”? (ENG)

Anatoly Remnev, Olesia Sukhikh: Kazakh Deputations in the Scenarios of Power: From Diplomatic Missions toward Imperial Presentations (RUS)

Seymour Becker: How Nineteenth-Century Russian Historians Interpreted the Period of Mongol Rule as a Largely Positive Experience in Nation-Building (ENG)

Jörg Baberowski: Satalinism and Nation: Soviet Union as a Multinational State, 1917 – 1953 (RUS)

Peter A. Blitstein: Nation and Empire in Soviet History, 1917-1953 (ENG)


Nikolai Vukov: “Brotherly Help” Representations or “Imperial” Legacy: Monuments to the Soviet Army in Bulgaria before and after 1989 (ENG)

Emil Pain: Empire-in-Itself. On the Mechanisms of Recurring Processes in Modern Russian Politics (RUS)


Sergei Glebov: “Regulierter Polizeistaat” and “Iasak”: Heinrich von Fick’s Siberian Memorandum (ENG)

Heinrich Fick: Most Subject Propositions and Report Regarding Iakuts, Tungus, and Other Remote in Northern Siberia to the Russian Empire Submitted Iasak Peoples (RUS)


Andreas Frings: Friendly Fire. A Critical Review of the New Imperial History of the Post-Soviet Space From a View of Analytical Philosophy (ENG)

Ricarda Vulpius: Words and Peoples in Empire: On the Discussion of the “Greater Russian Nation,” Ukraine- and Russophiles, on Dialects and Peoples (RUS)

Mikhail Dolbilov, Darius Staliūnas: Words, Peoples and Imperial Contexts: The Discussion Continues (RUS)


Ekaterina Kratasiuk: Russian History in the TV Commercials: To Have or To Be? (RUS)


Wim van Meurs: Old Wounds and New Battles: The pros and cons of comparative histories of Stalinism and Nazism (ENG)



Writing About Stalinism after 2000

Alter L. Litvin, John Keep, Stalinism: Russian and Western Views at the Turn of the Millennium (London: Routledge, 2005). 248 pp. Bibliography, Index. ISBN: 0-41535-109-X.
Igor’ Martyniuk

Alter L. Litvin, John Keep, Stalinism: Russian and Western Views at the Turn of the Millennium (London: Routledge, 2005). 248 pp. Bibliography, Index. ISBN: 0-41535-109-X.
Sergei Kudriashov

Yoram Gorlizki, Oleg Khlevniuk, Cold Peace: Stalin and the Soviet Ruling Circle, 1945-1953 (New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004). viii+248 pp. Bibliographical References, Index. ISBN: 0-19-516581-0 (hardback edition).
Ilya Kuksin

Serhy Yekelchyk, Stalin’s Empire of Memory. Russian-Ukrainian Relations in the Soviet Historical Imagination (Toronto, Buffalo and London: University of Toronto Press, 2004). 230 pp. ISBN: 0-8020-8808-2.
Maksim Kirchanov

Nils Roll-Hansen, The Lysenko Effect: The Politics of Science (Amherst, NY: Humanity Books, 2005). 335 pp. Index. ISBN: 1-59102-262-2.
Alexei B. Kojevnikov, Stalin’s Great Science: The Times and Adventures of Soviet Physicists (London: Imperial College Press, 2004). 360 pp. Bibliography, Name Index, Subject Index. ISBN: 1-86094-420-5.
Caleb Wall

Sheila Fitzpatrick, Tear off the Masks! Identity and Imposture in Twentieth-century Russia (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2005). 332 pp., ill. Index. ISBN: 0-691-12245-8.
Viacheslav Men’kovskii

Sergej Bogatyrev (Ed.), Russia Takes Shape: Patterns of Integration from the Middle Ages to the Present (Helsinki: Academia Scientiarum Fennica, 2005) (= Annales Acade-miae Scientiarum Fennicae. T. 335). 290 pp. ISBN: 951-41-0957-0.
Aleksandr Filiushkin

Frank Schimmelfennig, Ulrich Sedelmeier (Eds.), The Europeanization of Central and Eastern Europe (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2005). xii+256 pp. ISBN: 0-8014-8961-X.
Emilian Kavalski

Joel S. Migdal, State in Society: Studying How States and Societies Transform and Constitute One Another (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2001). xi+291 pp. Bibliography, Index. ISBN: 0-521-79706-3.
Bram Mikhail Caplan

Ivan Groznyi i iezuity: Missiia Anotnio Possevino v Moskve: Sbornik / Sost. i predisl. I Kurukina; per. s nem. S. P. Gizhdeu; per. s lat. L. N. Godovikovoi. Moskva: “”Agraf”, 2005. 256 s. ISBN: 5-7784-0301-1.
Vitalii Anan’ev

Shireen T. Hunter, Islam in Russia: The Politics of Identity and Security (Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, 2004). 592 pp. Tables, Figures, Maps, Bibliography, Index. ISBN: 0-7656-1283-6.
Igor’ Alekseev

F. N. Shakurov. Razvitie istoricheskikh znanii u tatar do fevralia 1917 goda. Kazan: Izd-vo KazGU, 2002. 127 s. Spisok literatury. ISBN: 5-7464-0756-9.
Grigorii Zaplotinskii

Marek Przeniosło, Chłopi Królestwa Polskiego w latach 1914–1918 (Kielce: Wydawnictwo Akademii Świętokrzyskiej, 2003). 468 s. ISBN: 83-7133-219-X.
Mariia Krisan’

Clio Moderna. Zarubezhnaia istoriia i istoriografiia: Sbornik nauchnykh statei. Vyp. 1-4. Kazan’: “”Master-Lain”, 1999-2003.
Marianna Murav’eva

Ye. E. Nosenko. Byt’ ili chuvstvovat’? Osnovnye aspekty formirovania evreiskoi samoidentifikatsii u potomkov smeshannykh brakov v sovremennoi Rossii. Moskva: IV RAN, “Kraft+”, 2004. 400s. ISBN: 5-93675-085-X.
Irina Popova-Bondarenko.

Pravoslavnyi sobesednik: Al’manakh Kazanskoi Dukhovnoi Seminarii. Vyp 1(6). Kazan’: Izdatel’skii otdel KGEU, 2004. 254 s ISBN: 5-89873-118-0.
Archimandrite Pavel Stefanov



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