Comparativ 22 (2012), 1

Comparativ 22 (2012), 1
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Transnationalizing the History of Education

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Organization name
Comparativ. Zeitschrift für Globalgeschichte und Vergleichende Gesellschaftsforschung
Comparativ Universität Leipzig Leipzig Research Centre Global Dynamics IPF 348001 Ritterstrasse 24 04109 Leipzig GERMANY e-mail:
Matthias Middell

Transnationalizing the History of Education
Herausgegeben von Eckhardt Fuchs

Table of contents


Eckhardt Fuchs
Transnational Perspectives in Historical Educational Research, S. 7

Tim Allender
Closing Down an Intellectual Interchange: The Gifting of Text to Colonial India, S. 15

Almut Steinbach
Imperial Language Policy in the Ninereenth Century. A Study on the Spread of English under Early British Rule in Ceylon and the Protected Malay Stares, S. 33

Barbara Schulte
Between Admiration and Transformation: Paths of Western Education into Early 20th Century China, S. 49

Wei-chih Liou
The Transfer of German Pedagogy in Taiwan (1940-1970), S. 76

Anrony Best (ed.): The Internarional History of East Asia, 1900-1968. Trade, ideology and the quest for order, London 2010 (Olavi K. Fält), S. 103

Takeshi Hamashira: China, East Asia and the Global Economy. Regional and Historical Perspectives, ed. by Linda Grove and Mark Seiden, London 2008 (Birgit Tremml), S. 106

Niall Ferguson / Charles S. Maier / Erez Manela / Daniel J. Sargent: The Shock of the Global. The 1970s in Perspective, Cambridge 2010 (Tobias Rupprecht), S. 109

Alex Marshall: The Caucasus under Soviet Rule, London 2010 (]an Zofka), S. 113

Norman Naimark: Stalin's Genocides, Princeron 2010 (Matthew Lenoe), S. 117

Friedrich Balge: Figuren der Souveränität, München 2009 (Helmut Goerlich), S. 119

Frederic Barbier (Hrsg.): Histoire et civilisation du livre (=Revue internationale 6, 2010), Geneve 2010 (Juliette Guilbaud), S. 122

Derek B. Scott: Sounds of the Metropolis. The Ninereenth-Century Popular Music Revolution in London, New York, Paris, and Vienna, Oxford 2008 (Kerstin Lange), S. 125

John Griffich Urang: Legal Tender. Love and Legitimacy in the East German Cultural Imagination, Ithaka 2010 (Hyacinthe Ondoa), S. 128

Hans-Günter Thien (Hrsg.): Klassen im Postfordismus, Münster 2010 (Peter Birke), S. 130

Matthias Middell / Ulf Engel (Hrgs.): Theoretiker der Globalisierung, Leipzig 2010 (Hans-Heinrich Nolte), S. 135

Autorinnen und Autoren, S. 138

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