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    Hrsg. v. Comparativ is edited by Katja Castryck-Naumann, Megan Maruschke, Matthias Middell and Hannes Siegrist (ReCentGlobe, Leipzig University) on behalf of the European Network in Universal and Global History and published with Leipzig University Press
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    Hrsg. v. *Editors* Geneviève Zubrzycki, Sociology, University of Michigan and Paul Christopher Johnson, History and Anthropology, University of Michigan
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    Hrsg. v. A. Dirk Moses (EUI Florenz/Sydney) in Verbindung mit Cathie Carmichael (East Anglia, Norwich), Simone Gigliotti (Victoria, Wellington), Jens Meierhenrich (LSE, London) Dan Stone (Royal Holloway, London).
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    Hrsg. v. Editors: Jonathan Morris, University of Hertfordshire, UK Mary Vincent, University of Sheffield, UK Patricia Clavin, University of Oxford, UK John Connelly, University of California, Berkeley, USA Holger Nehring u.a.