Comparativ 28 (2018), 3

Comparativ 28 (2018), 3
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Comparativ. Zeitschrift für Globalgeschichte und Vergleichende Gesellschaftsforschung
Comparativ Universität Leipzig Leipzig Research Centre Global Dynamics IPF 348001 Ritterstrasse 24 04109 Leipzig GERMANY e-mail:
Matthias Middell

Travelling Things - Dingen auf Wanderungen
Herausgegeben von Barbara Lüthi, Silvan Niedermeier, You Jae Lee

Table of contents



Jadwiga E. Pieper Mooney
Of “Zipper Rings” and “Tatum Ts”, Chile – USA: Intrauterine Devices, Men of Science, and Women in Need, S. 14
The contribution frames the “intrauterine devices“ (IUDs) as “travelling objects,” which were debated and negotiated at conferences and in doctor’s oces on a global scale. It also sheds light on the political and gendered power structures between the “men of science” and “women in need,” especially concerning the introduction and usage of the IUDs. Whereas the IUDs were developed by male experts in North and Latin America in the context of the Cold War with the main aim of population control, the women’s demands for this new form of contraception pointed to their ardent desire to control their own body. The chapter therefore also illustrates the “embodiedness” and close relation of things to the body.

Isabel Richter
Cookbooks for a sacred life. Handbücher der Bewusstseinserweiterung in der transnationalen Jugendkultur der langen 1960er Jahre, S. 33
The contribution examines the role of material artifacts for the discourse on “mind expansion” in the youth and alternative culture of the 1970s. It focuses on Ram Dass’ bestseller and guidebook Remember Be Here Now (1971) and Tony Wheeler’s travel guide Across Asia on the Cheap (1973), which represented the first volume of the later Lonely Planet series. The author understands the books as transcultural products par excellence, which give answers to the question of meaning, adaptation and resonance within transnational youth culture during the long 1960s. Just as important is the question about the relevance of the two publications for the agency of youth culture, asking which social practices were triggered by these objects within the popular culture of the 1960s and 1970s and how they subsequently participated in a transnational circuit.

Itagaki Ryuta
Das japanische Kaiserreich in den Tagebuchaufzeichnungen dreier „gewöhnlicher Koreaner“, S. 50
Itagaki Ryuta’s paper focuses on three diaries of Korean men that were written during the Japanese colonial time in the 1930s and 1940s. He argues that the materiality of the medium also shaped their message. Commercially marketed and purchased diaries were popular during the Japanese Empire and were produced in large quantities. The diaries were also important for the spreading of a “diary culture” in modern Japan and the Korean colonies. The author also shows that the diary entries give insight into the perception of the Japanese colonial empire during those decades from a “âneur perspective” (M. de Certeau).

Sebastian Jobs
„Alarming Plots“: Spuren einer Sklavenverschwörung im amerikanischen Süden, 1802, S. 73
Based on an anonymous letter found in Virginia in 1802, the author traces the rumors and fantasies of the often evoked and feared slave conspiracies in the US-American South. The fears materialized and manifested themselves in the object-like, tactile and readable anonymous letter. From vague fears followed concrete plans, with often drastic consequences. On the one hand, the author demonstrates that only the letter in its concrete material manifestation and attestation of human plans and emotions and its distribution, circulation or transcription, brings the scenario of slave insurrections to life. On the other hand, he reads the letter and reactions to it as a “transnational echo” on the background of a cross-border knowledge community formed by the events of the French and Haitian revolution.

Tilmann Siebeneichner
Auf einer Briefmarke in den Weltraum. Spacelab und das Versprechen einer Zukunft in den Sternen, S. 90
The contribution centers on the 40-penny stamp of the German federal post office introduced in 1975 showing the motif of a space laboratory (“Spacelab”). While the Spacelab marked the entry of Europe into manned space flight and research, the introduction of the stamp demonstrates the status of space flight as “key technology” and indicator of progress and modernity for the government of the German Federal Republic during the 1970s and 1980s. At the same time, the wide distribution of the stamp contributed to the introduction of outer space into the everyday life worlds of ordinary people and turned it into a reference point for future aspirations. Representing a symbol of progress and international understanding during the 1970s, the Spacelab also transformed into a manifestation of the potential threat of warlike conflicts and catastrophic calamities in the course of increasing armament in outer space during the 1980s.
catastrophic calamities in the course of increasing armament in outer space during the 1980s.


Horst Dreier (Hrsg.): Grundgesetz Kommentar, Bd. III: Art. 83–146, 3. Au., Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2018, 2127 p.
by Helmut Goerlich, S. 104

Bakhtawar M. Jain: China‘s Soft Power Diplomacy in South Asia. Myth or Reality?, Lanham: Lexington Books 2017, 153 p.
by Hartmut Elsenhans, S. 107

Neil Wilcock / Corina Scholz: Hartmut Elsenhans and a Critique of Capitalism. Conversations on Theory and Policy Implication, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillian 2016, 184 p.
by_Daniel S. León_, S. 109

Rita Chin: The Crisis of Multiculturalism in Europe. A History, Princeton / Oxford: Princeton University Press 2017, 363 p.
by_Marian Burchardt_, S. 112

Bea Lundt / Christoph Marx (eds.): Kwame Nkrumah 1909–1972. A Controversial African Visionary (= Historische Mitteilungen, Beiheft 96), Stuttgart: Franz Steiner 2016, 208 p.; Ulrich van der Heyden: Kwame Nkrumah – Diktator oder Panafrikanist? Die politische Bewertung des ghanaischen Politikers in der DDR im Spannungsfeld der deutsch-deutschen Konkurrenz in Westafrika, Potsdam 2017
by_Katharina P. W. Döring_, S. 114

Ulf Brunnbauer / Klaus Buchenau: Geschichte Südosteuropas, Ditzingen: Reclam 2018, 511 p.
by_Maria Todorova_, S. 117

Robert W. Pringle (ed.): Historical Dictionary of Russian and Soviet Intelligence, 2nd ed., Lanham: Rowman & Littleeld 2015, 448 p.
by_Zaur Gasimov_, S. 120

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