July 21
09:30 - 10:30
Welcome and Introduction
Martin Aust and Benjamin Schenk
10:30 - 12:30
Jewish Autobiography
Martin Aust: chair
Marina Mogil’ner: Defining the Racial Self: Autobiographical Contexts of Vladimir Jabotinsky's Engagement with the Discourse of Race
Jörg Schulte: Hebrew Childhood in Late Imperial Russia: The Autobiography of Saul Tchernichowsky (1875–1943)
Alexis Hofmeister: commentator
15:00 - 18:00
Ottoman Empire
Murat Kaya: chair
Felix Konrad: Visions of Professionalism, Progress and Social Advancement: the Autobiographical Writing of Muhammad al-Baqli (born 1838/39)
Eyal Ginio: Reflecting on their own Experiences, Reflecting on the Empire: Ottoman Officers' Writing on the Balkan War
Barbara Henning: A 'passionate Ottoman' in late 19th-century Damascus: Mehmed Salih Bedirhan's Autobiographical Writing in the Context of the Ottoman-Kurdish Bedirhani Family.
Richard Wittmann: Torn between God and His "Shadow on Earth": Self-Positioning in the Life Narrative of a 19th century Ottoman Civil Servant
Maurus Reinkowski: commentator
July 22
09:00 - 12:00
Habsburg Empire
Nora Mengel: chair
Waltraud Heindl: Memoirs of k. (u.) k. Bureaucrats: Perceptions and Fictions
Marion Wullschleger: „Truthfulness and Sincerity“. Habsburg Civil Servants in Trieste and their Autobiographical Practices after the Fall of the Empire.
Christian Marchetti: The Ethnographic „I“ – Autobiographical Writing of Ethnographers in the Late Habsburg Empire
Robert Luft: commentator
14:30 - 16:30
Carla Cordin: chair
Peter Holquist: Bureaucratic Diaries: Fedor F. Martens, Dmitrii A. Miliutin and Petr A. Valuev
Guido Hausmann: A Testimonial of Scholarly Work in Late Imperial Russia: the Memoirs of the Geographer Veniamin P. Tian-Shanskii (1870-1942)
Benjamin Schenk: commentator
17:00 - 18:00
Final discussion