Global Histories and Geographies (RGS-IBG 2018)

Global Histories and Geographies (RGS-IBG 2018)

Royal Geographical Society (with IBG); Panel Conveners: Dean W. Bond (Loughborough University, UK), Johanna Skurnik (University of Turku, Finland)
Cardiff University
United Kingdom
From - Until
28.08.2018 - 31.08.2018
D.W. Bond

In recent years, global history has become an increasingly popular approach within historical scholarship. Indeed, survey textbooks on global history have even begun to appear. This turn to global history is clearly informed as well by modern concerns with globalisation, global environmental problems, and the interconnectedness of the present world. But what global history is, what its concerns are, and how its agenda differs from related historical approaches remains somewhat unclear. Moreover, its relation to historical geographical work, and potential synergies and conflicts, have received little scrutiny. For example, what do we do when we employ ‘global’ as a framework to analyse historical and geographical processes? What does the ‘global’ offer for a historical geographer researching past geographies? Such themes and questions are precisely the concern of this session. By focussing on these questions, we hope to bring together historical geographers and historians working across a range of periods and geographies to better evaluate the potential for global history and global historical geography.

Papers might address topics such as:
-Relations between global history and historical geography
-Meanings of ‘global’ and ‘local’ and questions of scale in historical work
-Links between global history and affiliated approaches, e.g. the new imperial history, history of knowledge, transnational history, comparative history, the mobility paradigm and networked approaches to history, and histoire croisée/entangled histories
-Place of biographical work and microhistory in global narratives

Abstracts (max. 200 words) should be submitted to Dean Bond ( and Johanna Skurnik ( by Friday, 9 February 2018.


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Dean W. Bond

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