Thursday, 17th May
5:00pm Public Lecture
Chair: Anne Gerritsen (Director of GHCC, University of Warwick)
Paula Findlen (Stanford University): Catholic Geographies of the Global
Comment: Susanna Burghartz (University of Basel)
6.30pm Drinks reception
Friday 18th May
Opening Welcome: Maxine Berg, John-Paul Ghobrial, Jorge Flores (GHCC, University of Warwick)
9:00-11:00am Localities
Chair: Erica Charters (University of Oxford)
Anne Gerritsen (University of Warwick): Localities in Global History
Jeremy Adelman (Princeton University): Global History Now – Can we Reposition the Local?
Comment: Pat Hudson (University of Cardiff)
11:00am Coffee
11:30-1:00pm Microhistory
Chair: John-Paul Ghobrial (University of Oxford)
Francesca Trivellato (Yale University): What Differences Makes a Difference? Scales of Comparison in Micro and Global History
Comments: Giuseppe Marcocci (University of Oxford)
1:00-2:00pm Lunch
2:00-3:30pm Geographies of the Local
Chair: Catherine Holmes (University of Oxford)
Jan de Vries (Berkeley University): Bread in Local Context
Dagmar Freist (University of Oldenburg): Micro Spaces of the Maritime World – The Prize Papers Collection as a Source
Comment: Guido van Meersbergen (University of Warwick)
3:30-4:00pm Tea
4:00-6:00pm Merchants and Migration
Chair: Jorge Flores (European University Institute)
Cecilia Taruell (University of Oxford): Migration between the Ottoman Mediterranean and Spain
Sebouh Aslanian (UCLA): The Voyage of the Santa Catharina
Guillaume Calafat (Paris 1 and IAS / Princeton University): Commercial Trials and Commercial Litigation in the Eighteenth-Century Mediterranean
Comment: Julia McClure (University of Glasgow)
7:00pm Dinner
Saturday 19th May
9:30-11:00am Work and Labour
Chair: Zoltán Biedermann (University College London)
Adrianna Catena (University of Warwick): The Hatters of Seville and the Indigo Wars
Christian de Vito (University of Leicester): Convict Transportation and Micro-Spatial History
Comment: José Escribano Paez (University of Warwick)
11:00-11:30am Coffee
11:30-1:00pm Objects and Collecting
Chair: Claudia Stein (University of Warwick)
Michael Bycroft (University of Warwick): Minerals and Gems
Sarah Easterby-Smith (University of St. Andrews): Natural History and Scientific Collecting
Comment: Luca Molá (European University Institute)
1:00-2:00pm Lunch
2:00-3:30pm Trading Centres and Mercantile Networks
Chair: Shinobu Majima (Gakushuin University / University of Warwick)
Maxine Berg (University of Warwick): Nootka Sound as a Global-Micro Trading Centre
Song-Chuan Chen (University of Warwick): Western Merchant Wives and the Forbidden Merchant Port of Canton
Comment: Giorgio Riello (University of Warwick)
3:30-4:00pm Tea
4:00-5:00pm Concluding Panel
Chair: Charles Walton (University of Warwick)
John-Paul Ghobrial, Jorge Flores, Paula Findlen