Monday, June 3rd, 2019 at 5:30 pm
Welcoming Words
Friedrich Edelmayer, Professor for Global History at the University of Vienna
Keynote Speech
Bruno Maçães, Senior Fellow at the Hudson Institute Washington, D.C., Senior Fellow at Renmin University in Beijing, former Portuguese Europe Minister
Short Presentation EUROPE GOES SILK ROAD & LiveDocs
Florian Krendl, Sebastian Maier, Maximilian Auer, Co-Founders of EUROPE GOES SILK ROAD
Daniel Aigner, CEO at Deckweiss
Panel Discussion
Bruno Maçães, Senior Fellow at the Hudson Institute Washington, D.C., Senior Fellow at Renmin University in Beijing, former Portuguese Europe Minister
Velina Tchakarova, Director of the Austrian Institute for European and Security Policy
Sebastian Holler, Co-Founder of EUROPE GOES SILK ROAD
Friedrich Edelmayer, Professor for Global History at the University of Vienna