Ab Imperio (2005), 3

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Ab Imperio (2005), 3
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124 € Jahresabo, 31 € Einzelhelheft



Ab Imperio. Studies of New Imperial History and Nationalism in the Post-Soviet Space
Russian Federation
Postanschrift: P.O. Box 157, Kazan' 420015. Tel./Fax: 7-8432-644-018
Alexander Kaplunovski

Dear colleagues,

Ab Imperio editors would like to draw your attention to the third issue of AI in 2005.

Please, visit AI website at www.abimperio.net for detailed information on the journal, including editorial contacts and the journal's annual program.

With best reagrds,

Ab Imperio editors


2005 annual theme:

Issue 3/2005 “Empire and the Challenge of Nationalism: Searching for Modes of Social, Political, and Cultural Self-Description” (The language of publication is indicated in brackets)


Empire as a “Claim,” Nation as a “Resolution”: Languages for Describing Unity and Diversity in a Multicultural Setting (E)

Miroslav Hroch
Language as a Tool of Civic Equality (R)

Mark R. Beissinger
Rethinking Empire in the Wake of the Soviet Collapse (R)

Mark R. Beissinger
Situating Empire (E)


Elena Vishlenkova
The Visual Language of “Russianness” from the 18th to the First Quarter of the 19th Century (R)

Michael Kemper
Adat against Shari?a: Russian Approaches towards Daghestani “Customary Law” in the 19th Century (E)

Alexander Kaplunovskii
Describing Empire Societally: The “Polyphony” of Prikazchiki in the
Social Register of Russian Empires’ Languages of Self-Description (R)

Simon Rabinovich
Positivism, Populism and Politics: The Intellectual Foundations of Jewish Ethnography in Late Imperial Russia (E)

Laurie Cohen
Looking In From the Outside. Bertha and Arthur von Suttner in the Caucasus, 1876-1885 (E)

Willard Sunderland
Baron Ungern, Toxic Cosmopolitan (E)

Serguei Glebov
A Life with Imperial Dreams: Petr Nikolaevich Savitsky, Eurasianism, and the Invention of “Structuralist” Geography (E)


Alla Zeide
The Empireless. Texts and Contexts in the Life of a Russian Jew, Aleksei Goldenweiser (R)

Aleksei Goldenweiser: Diaries and Correspondence from Different Years (R)


Elena Gapova
On the Political Economy of “National Language” in Belarus (R)


The “Imperial Turn” at the ICCEES VII World Congress, Berlin, July 2005

Kimitaka Matsuzato
Russian Imperiology and Area Studies (Impressions on the ICCEES Berlin Congress) (E)

Jan Kusber
The Russian Empire as a Subject Matter of East European Historic Research. Some Reflections on Its Prospects at the ICCEES VII World Congress in Berlin (E)

William G. Rosenberg
The Problems of Empire in Imperial Russia (E)


Jelena Grigorjeva
On the Morphology of Visual Post-Soviet Post-Folklore (R)


Oksana Klimkova
GULAG: From Myth-Telling toward Analysis (R)


R-Forum I: “Writing Soviet History as Imperial History”

Ilya Gerasimov
Terry Martin, The Affirmative Action Empire. Nations and Nationalism in the Soviet Union, 1923-1939 (Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 2001). Xvi + 496 pp., 4 maps, 46 tables. Bibliography, Index. ISBN: 0-8014-8677-7 (paper).

Marina Mogilner
Francine Hirsch, Empire of Nations. Ethnographic Knowledge and the Making of the Soviet Union (Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 2005). 367 pp., ill. Bibliography, Index. ISBN: 0-8014-8908-3 (paper).

R-Forum II: “Imperial Identities in the Language of Arts and Literature”

Igor Martyniuk
Christopher Ely, This Meager Nature: Landscape and National Identity in Imperial Russia (DeKalb, Ill.: Northern Illinois University Press, 2002), 278 pp. Bibliography, Index. ISBN: 0-87580-303-2.

Adam Fergus
Harsha Ram, The Imperial Sublime: A Russian Poetics of Empire (Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press, 2003). x+307 pp. Bibliography, Index. ISBN: 0-299-18190-1 (hardback edition).

Maksim Kirchanov
Miroslav Shkandrii. V obiimakh imperii. Rosiiska і ukrainska literaturi novitnoi dobi. Kiiv: “Fakt”, 2004. 496 S. ISBN: 966-8408-45-4.

Helene Perrin-Wagner
Rossiiskaia imperia v sravnitelnoi perspektive: Sbornik statei / Pod red. A. I. Millera. Moskva: “Novoe Izdatelstvo”, 2004. 384 S. ISBN: 5-98379-011-0.

Thomas Sanders
Alter L. Litvin, Writing History in Twentieth-Century Russia: A View From Within (Houndsmill, UK: Palgrave, 2001). xi+201 pp. Translated and Edited by John L. H. Keep. Appendices, Notes, Bibliography. ISBN: 0-333-76487-0.

Marc L. Greenberg
Svoi ili chuzhoi? Evrei i slaviane glazami drug druga/ Otv. red. O. V. Belova. Moskva: “Sefer”, Institut slavianovedenia RAN, 2003. 504 S. (= Akademicheskaia seria. Vyp. 11). ISBN: 5-98370-002-2.

Tomasz Kamusella
Jacob M. Landau and Barbara Kellner-Heinkele, Politics of Language in the Ex-Soviet Muslim States: Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, and Tajikistan (London: Hurst and Company, 2001), xiv+260 pp., ill. Index. ISBN: 1-85065-442-5

Sebastian Cwiklinski
Novaia volna v izuchenii etnologicheskoi istorii Volgo-Uralskogo regiona / Sbornik statei . Pod red. K. Matsuzato. Sapporo: Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University, 2003. 335 S. ISBN: 4-98637-28-6.

Iurii Labyntsev, Larisa Shchavinskaia
Zenon Kogut. Korinnia identichnosti. Studii z rannomodernoi ta modernoi istorii Ukraini. Kiiv: “Kritika”, 2004. 352 S. Pokazchik imen. ISBN: 966-7679-48-9.

Magdalena Zolkos
Jane Leftwich Curry and Joan Barth Urban (Eds.), The Left Transformed in Post-Communist Societies. The Cases from East-Central Europe, Russia and Ukraine (Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 2003). 284 pp. Bibliography, Index. ISBN: 0-7425-2664

Andreas Demuth
Jean-Jacques Subrenat (Ed.), Estonia. Identity and Independence (Amsterdam and New York, NY: Rodopi B.V., 2004). ix+310 pp. (=On the Boundary of Two Worlds. Identity, Freedom, and Moral Imagination in the Baltics. Vol. 2). ISBN: 9-0420-0890-3 (paperback).

Olga Khristoforova
Chris J. Chulos, Converging Worlds: Religion and Community in Peasant Russia, 1861-1917 (DeKalb, Ill.: Northern Illinois University Press, 2003). 201 pp. Appendix, Glossary, Bibliography, Index. ISBN: 0-87580-317-2.

Caleb Wall
James W. Heinzen, Inventing a Soviet Countryside: State Power and the Transformation of Rural Russia (Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2004). 312 pp. Bibliography, Index. ISBN: 0-8229-4215-1.

Marina Krasilnikova, Alexander Cherniavskii
Istroia i foliosofia kulturi: Aktualnie problemi. Sbornik nauchnikh trudov. Vypusk 6 / Pod red. S. V. Arkhipova. Vladikavkaz: Izdatelstvo Severo-Osetinskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, 2003. 284 S. ISBN: 5-8336-0316-1.

Aleksei Chesnokov
V. I. Diatlov. Sovremennye torgovye menshinstva: faktor stabilnosti ili konflikta? (Kitaicy i kavkazcy v Irkutske). Moskva: “Natalis”, 2000. 190 S. ISBN: 5-8062-0025-6.

Boris P. Chichlo
A. S. Zuev. Sibir: Vekhi istorii (XVI – XIX vv.) / Uchebnoe posobie... Novosibirsk, 1999; A. S. Zuev. Russkie i aborigeny na krainem severo-vostoke Sibiri vo vtoroi polivine XVII – pervoi chetverti XVIII vv. Novosibirsk, 2002. 330 S.

Katya Vladimirov
Gubernatory Sakhalina / Pod red. A. I. Kostanova, A. I. Baialdina, L. V. Dragunovoi i dr. Iuzhno-Sakhalinsk: Arkhivnyi otdel Administracii Sakhaliskoi oblasti, Gosudarstvennii arkhiv Sakhalinskoi oblasti, 2000. 392 S.

Dmitriy Rezun
A. D. Ageev. Sibir i amerikanskii Zapad: Dvizhenie frontirov. Irkutsk: Irkutskii universitet, 2002. 294 S. ISBN: 5-7430-0154-5 (v obl.).

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