Comparativ 31 (2021), Vol. 5/6

Comparativ 31 (2021), Vol. 5/6
Other title information 
Transimperial Histories of Knowledge: Exchange and Collaboration from the Margins of Imperial Europe

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six issues per year
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Organization name
Comparativ. Zeitschrift für Globalgeschichte und Vergleichende Gesellschaftsforschung
Comparativ Universität Leipzig Leipzig Research Centre Global Dynamics IPF 348001 Ritterstrasse 24 04109 Leipzig GERMANY e-mail:
Connections Redaktion, Leipzig Research Centre Global Dynamics, Universität Leipzig

Transimperial Histories of Knowledge: Exchange and Collaboration from the Margins of Imperial Europe
Ed. by Claire Louise Blaser, Monique Lichtenberg, and Josephine Selander

Table of contents

Editorial, pp. 525f.
Aufsätze | Articles
Claire Louise Blaser / Monique Ligtenberg / Josephine Selander
Introduction: Transimperial Webs of Knowledge at the Margins of
Imperial Europe, pp. 527-539.

Pernille Røge
Colonialism and Abolitionism from the Margins of European Empires:
Paul Erdmann Isert, Carl Bernhard Wadström, and the Structures of
Transimperial Knowledge Production, c. 1780–1800, pp. 540-554.

Monique Ligtenberg
Contagious Connections: Medicine, Race, and Commerce between Sumatra, New Guinea, and Frankfurt, 1879–1904, pp. 555-571.

Moritz von Brescius / Christof Dejung
The Plantation Gaze: Imperial Careering and Agronomic Knowledge between Europe and the Tropics, pp. 572-590.

Claire Louise Blaser
Sanskrit Roots in the Swiss Idiotikon: Early Indology in Switzerland between National Identity Formation and European Imperial Imaginaries, pp. 591-611.

Josephine Selander
Spiritual Entrepreneurs: Competing Theosophists and the Making of
Alternative Spirituality in the Swedish Press (1900–1925), pp. 612-630.

Nadin Heé
Transimperial Opportunities? Transcending the Nation in Imperial Formations, pp. 631-638)

Martin Wagner
Entanglement and Rivalry: Encountering “the Other” in Harbin’s Education,
1906–1932, pp. 639-653.

Hasan Aksakal
The Reception of the Frankfurt School in Turkey: Past and Present, pp. 654-669.

Rezensionen | Reviews
Sanjay Subrahmanyam: Europe’s India. Words, People, Empires, 1500–1800, Cambridge MA / London 2017
by Matthias Middell, pp. 670f.

Andrew B. Liu: Tea War. A History of Capitalism in China and India,
New Haven / London2020
by Peer Vries, pp. 672-676.

Hubert Bonin: Banking in China (1890s–1940s): Business in the French
Concessions, London 2020
by Mariusz Lukasiewicz, pp. 677f.

Arunabh Ghosh: Making it Count. Statistics and Statecraft in the Early
People’s Republic of China (Histories of Economic Life), Princeton / Oxford 2020
by Martin Bemmann, pp. 679-681.

Ulrich Mählert / Felix Wemheuer et al. (Hrsg.): Machterhalt durch
Wirtschaftsreformen. Chinas Einfluss in der sozialistischen Welt (= Jahrbuch für historische Kommunismusforschung 2020), Berlin 2020
by Alice Trinkle, pp. 682-684.

Sean Metzger: The Chinese Atlantic. Seascapes and the Theatricality of
Globalization, Bloomington 2020
by Rossella Ferrari, pp. 685-687.

Anne Booth: Living Standards in Southeast Asia. Changes over the Long
Twentieth Century, 1900–2015, Amsterdam 2019
by Vincent Houben, pp. 688f.

Max Trecker: Red Money for the Global South. East-South Economic
Relations in the Cold War, Abingdon 2020
by Besnik Pula, pp.690-692.

Sara Lorenzini: Global Development. A Cold War History, Princeton 2019
by Bence Kocsev, pp. 693-697.

Elijah Nyaga Munyi / David Mwambari / Aleksi Ylönen (eds.): Beyond History. African Agency in Development, Diplomacy and Conflict Resolution, New York 2020
by Ulf Engel, pp. 698-700.

Paul J. Kohlenberg / Nadine Godehardt (eds.): The Multidimensionality of
Regions in World Politics (= Routledge Series on Global Order Studies),
London/New York 2021
by Ulf Engel, pp. 701-703.

Bailey Stone: Rethinking Revolutionary Change in Europe. A Neostructuralist Approach, Lanham et al., 2020
by Matthias Middell, pp. 704f.

Claudia Varella / Manuel Barcia: Wage-Earning Slaves. Coartación in
Nineteenth-Century Cuba, Gainesville 2020
by Michael Zeuske, pp. 706-709.

Roger Chickering: Karl Lamprecht. Das Leben eines deutschen Historikers
(1856–1915). Aus dem amerikanischen Englisch übersetzt von Sabine vom Bruch und Roger Chickering, Stuttgart 2021
by Matthias Middell, pp. 710-713.

Andrew Phillips / J. C. Sharman: Outsourcing Empire. How Company-States made the Modern World, Princeton / Oxford 2020
by Oliver Krause, pp. 714f.

Kenneth Lipartito / Lisa Jacobson (eds.): Capitalism’s Hidden Worlds
(Hagley Perspectives on Business and Culture), Philadelphia 2020
by Paul Franke, pp. 716-718.

Julia Adeney Thomas/Geoff Eley (eds.): Visualizing Fascism. The Twentieth-Century Rise of the Global Right, Durham: Duke University Press, 2020
by Nathalie Patricia Soursos, pp. 719-721.

Gordon Johnston / Emma Robertson: BBC World Service. Overseas Broadcasting, 1932–2018, London 2019
by Stacy Takacs, pp. 722f.

Vladimir Tismaneanu / Bogdan C. Iacob (eds.): Ideological Storms. Intellectuals, Dictators, and the Totalitarian Temptation, Budapest 2019
by Victoria Harms, pp. 724-726.

Norbert Fabian: Wirtschaft – Reformation – Revolution, vol. 1: Vergleichende, soziohistorische Strukturgitteranalysen, vol. 2: Wyclifs Sozialethik, der Aufstand von 1381 und Übergänge zur Moderne (= Studien zur historischen Gesellschaftswissenschaft, vols. 1 and 2), Münster 2020
by Matthias Middell, p. 727.

Danielle Allen: Politische Gleichheit. Frankfurter Adorno Vorlesungen 2017,
Berlin 2020
by Helmut Goerlich, pp. 728-732.

Alexander Tischbirek: Die Verhältnismäßigkeitsprüfung. Methodenmigration
zwischen öffentlichem und Privatrecht (= Studien und Beiträge zum Öffentlichen Recht, Bd. 35), Tübingen 2017
by Helmut Goerlich, pp. 733-736.

Annotationen | Annotations
Emily Kenway: The Truth About Modern Slavery, London 2021
by Ruth Ennis, p. 737.

Essai sur la monarchie autrichienne en son état actuel en 1790, a cura di
Derek Beales e Renato Pasta, Florence 2018
by Matthias Middell, p. 738.

Nancy L. Green: The Limits of Transnationalism, Chicago 2019
by Antje Dietze, p. 739.

Inhaltsverzeichnis des 31. Jahrgangs 2021 | Contents of Vol. 31, 2021
pp. 740-748.

Autorinnen und Autoren | Authors
p. 749.

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Holdings 0940-3566