Ab Imperio (2007), 3

Ab Imperio (2007), 3
Other title information 
History on trial

Published on
Kazan', Russland 2007: Selbstverlag des Herausgebers
124 € Jahresabo, 31 € Einzelhelheft



Organization name
Ab Imperio. Studies of New Imperial History and Nationalism in the Post-Soviet Space
Russian Federation
Postanschrift: P.O. Box 157, Kazan' 420015. Tel./Fax: 7-8432-644-018
Alexander Kaplunovskiy

Please post to the attention of readers of your circulation lists.
Dear friends and colleagues,
"Ab Imperio" editors are pleased to announce the release of the third issue of the journal in 2007. "Ab Imperio" is a bilingual (English Russian) international scholarly journal dedicated to the study of empire and nationalism in the post Soviet space. The third issue of the journal is devoted to the exploration of "History on Trial." The language of each publication (Russian or English) is indicated by a letter in brackets.
Please find below the table of contents and visit the website for more information: www.abimperio.net
For submissions, subscription or other inquiries please contact the editors at: office@abimperio.net

Table of contents


From the Editors History and the Courtroom: Trials and Errors (R&E)
Terence Ball Interpretation, Intention, and the Law: the Case Against “Original Intent” (E)
Erich Haberer History and Justice: Paradigms of the Prosecution of Nazi Crimes (R)
Historian’s Judgement: Reflections by Istvan Deak (E)

Andriy Portnov Exercises with History Ukrainian Style (Notes on Public Aspects of History’s Functioning in Post-Soviet Ukraine) (R)
Johan Dietsch Struggling with a “Nuremberg Historiography” of the Holodomor (E)
Tonu Tannberg “Under the Influence of the International Reaction, The Pitiful Remnants of Anti-Soviet Elements in Our Country…” 1956 and Problems of the Baltics in Kremlin (R)
Vladimir Petrovic Historians as Expert Witnesses at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yougoslavia (E)

From the Editors The Empire of Archives: Forum Initiated by Ab Imperio and Cahiers du monde russe: Russie, Empire russe, Union soviétique et États indépendants (E)
Ann Stoler The Pulse of Archives (E)
James P. Niessen Records of Empire, Monarchy, or Nation? The Archival Heritage of the Habsburgs in East Central Europe (E)
Svetlana Gorshenina The Biggest Projects of Russian Colonial Archives: The Utopian Exhaustive “Turkestanica” of General Governor Constantine P. von Kaufman (R)
Igor’ Lukoianov The Archive and the Researcher: The Case of RGIA (R)
Sophie Cœuré Soviet Archives: A Cultural Heritage of the Empire or a Monument to the Revolution? Reflections on the French “Trophy Archives” in the USSR after the Second World War (R)

Vello Pettai The Construction of State Identity and its Legacies: Legal Restorationism in Estonia (E)
Alexander Astrov A Liturgy for the Bronze Soldier: Memory and History in the Formation of Crisis (R)


Yaroslav Hrytsak. Prorok u svoii vіtchyznі: Franko ta iogo spіl’nota (1856-1886). Kiyv: “Krytyka”, 2006. 631 s., ill. Pokazhchyk imen, Pokazhchyk geografichnykh nazv, Pokazhchyk prodovzhuvanykh vydan’, al’manakhiv, ustanov ta organizatsii. ISBN: 966-7679-96-9. Serhy Yekelchyk (E)

Bernard Porter, The Absent-Minded Imperialists: Empire, Society, and Culture in Britain (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2004). 475 pp., ill. Bibliography, Index. ISBN: 0-19-929959-5.
Kavita Datla (E)

Isabel de Madariaga, Ivan the Terrible: First Tsar of Russia (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2005). xxii+428 pp. Maps, Select Bibliography, Index. ISBN: 978-0-300-09757-3.
Vitaly Anan’ev (R)

Gabor T. Rittersporn, Malte Rolf, Jan C. Behrends (Eds.), Sphdren von Cffentlichkeit in Gesellschaften sowjetischen Typs / Public Spheres in Soviet-Type Societies (Frankfurt-am-Main: Peter Lang Verlag, Europdischer Verlag der Wissenschaften, 2003). 457 S. (=Comparative Studies Series, Vol. 11). ISBN: 3-631-38327-4.
Elke Fein (E)

Wendy Slater, Andrew Wilson (Eds.), The Legacy of the Soviet Union (Houndmills and New York: Palgrave, 2004). 275 pp. Index. ISBN: 1-4039-1786-8.
Boris Povarnitsyn (R)

Antonio J. Munoz, Oleg Romanko, Hitler’s White Russians: Collaboration, Extermination and Anti-Partisan Warfare in Byelorussia, 1941-1944 (Bayside, NY: Europa Books, 2003). 512 pp. ISBN: 1-891227-42-4.
Ivan Dereiko (R)

Bernard K’jary. Shtodzionnashch za lіnіiai frontu: Akupatsyia, kalabaratsyja і supratsіu u Belarusі (1941–1944 g.) / Per. s niam. L. Barshchieiskaga; nav. ried. G. Saganovich. Minsk, 2005. 390 s. Ukazatel'. ISBN: 978-5272-20-6.
Andrej Kotljarchuk (R)

Marcela Sălăgean, The Soviet Administration in Northern Transylvania (November 1944 – March 1945). Translated by Robert Mihai Rosca (Boulder, CO: East European Monographs, 2002). 190 pp. (=East European Monographs, Vol. DXCVIII). Bibliography, Appendices. ISBN: 0-88033-496-7.
Wim van Meurs (E)

John-Paul Himka and Andriy Zayarnyuk (Eds.), Letters from Heaven: Popular Religion in Russia and Ukraine (Toronto, Buffalo and London: University of Toronto Press, 2006). 304 pp., ills. ISBN: 0-8020-9148-2 (hardcover edition).
Ol’ga Khristoforova (R)

Serhii Plokhy, Tsars and Cossacks: A Study in Iconography (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2002). 102 pp. Bibliography, Index. ISBN: 0-916458-95-4.
Aleksandr Lavrov (R)

Vadim Menzhulin. Drugoi Sikorskii: Neudobnye stranitsy istorii psikhiatrii. Kiev: “Sfera”, 2004. 490 s. Bibliograficheskii ukazatel’, imennoi ukazatel’. ISBN: 966-7841-72-3.
Aleksandr Etkind (R)

Francisca de Haan, Krassimira Daskalova and Anna Loutfi (Eds.), A Biographical Dictionary of Women’s Movements and Feminisms. Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe, the 19th and 20th Centuries (Budapest and New York: Central European University Press, 2006). 678 pp., ill. ISBN: 9-637326-391 (hardcover edition).
Yulia Gradskova (R)

Zapiski kniazia Dmitriia Aleksandrovicha Obolenskogo, 1855-1879 / Otv. red., avt. vstup. st., komment. V. G. Chernukha. Sankt-Petersburg: “Nestor-Istoriia”, 2005. 503 s., ill. Ukazatel’ imen. ISBN: 5-98187-072-9.
Vera Dubina (R)

Eugenia Paulicelli, Fashion under Fascism: Beyond the Black Shirt (Dress, Body, Culture) (Oxford: Berg Publishers, 2004). 256 pp. ISBN-10: 1-859-737-730; ISBN-13: 978-1859-737-736.
Ol’ga Gurova (R)

List of Contributors (R&E)
Ab Imperio – 2008 (R&E)

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