PD Dr. Nora Lafi

Zentrum Moderner Orient

Recent articles

Rez: D. Naar: Jewish Salonica

Rez: R. Abdellatif u.a. (Hrsg.): Construire la Méditerranée

CFP: European Association for Urban History 2012, Panel M30: Post-Imperial Urban Ghost Frontiers in Cities of Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe: Traces, Resilience, Remembrance and Cancellation
Nora Lafi / Florian Riedler (ZMO Berlin)
Prag 29.08.2012 - 01.09.2012

Sem: Urban Studies Seminar 2010-2011: Urban Violence
Zentrum Moderner Orient
Berlin 10.01.2011

Rez: O. Weintritt: Arabische Geschichtsschreibung

Sem: Ottoman Urban Studies Seminar 2008-2009
Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin
Berlin 10.11.2008

Konf: The Sijill in Perspective: Mapping Similarities and Differences Across the Empire
Convenors: Nora Lafi Center for Modern Oriental Studies (ZMO) Christian Sassmannshausen Free University Berlin (Institute for Islamic Studies)
Berlin 17.10.2008 - 19.10.2008

Vorl: Ottoman Urban Studies Seminar 2007-08: Cosmopolitanism in the Ottoman Empire and Beyond
Prof. Ulrike Freitag (ZMO, Berlin); Dr. Nora Lafi (ZMO; Berlin)
Berlin 29.10.2007 - 16.06.2008

Tagber: New Trends in Egyptian Historiography of the Ottoman Period. A German-Egyptian Encounter
The workshop was organized jointly by Magdi Guirguis (Fellow of Europe in the Middle East / The Middle East in Europe), Georges Khalil (Coordinator of Europe in the Middle East/ The Middle East in Europe, Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin), Ulrike Freitag and Nora Lafi (ZMO).
Berlin 14.03.2007

Rez: A. Roussillon: Identité et modernité. Les voyageurs égyptiens au Japon

Konf: New Trends in Egyptian Historiography of the Ottoman Period. A German-Egyptian Encounter
The workshop is organized jointly by Magdi Guirguis (Fellow of Europe in the Middle East / The Middle East in Europe), Georges Khalil (Coordinator of Europe in the Middle East/ The Middle East in Europe, Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin), Ulrike Freitag and Nora Lafi (ZMO).
Berlin 14.03.2007

Sem: Ottoman Urban Studies Seminar
Zentrum Moderner Orient • Centre for Modern Oriental Studies Geisteswissenschaftliche Zentren Berlin e.V. Kirchweg 33, 14129 Berlin Telefon (030) 80307-0 Fax (030) 80307-210 email: zmo@rz.hu-berlin.de
Berlin 30.10.2006 - 02.07.2006