Slavery and Other Forms of Strong Asymmetrical Dependencies in Ottoman South Eastern Europe

Slavery and Other Forms of Strong Asymmetrical Dependencies in Ottoman South Eastern Europe

Stephan Conermann, The Bonn Center For Dependency And Slavery Studies in collaboration with the Research Group "The Ottoman Europe: Methods and Perspectives of Early Modern Studies on Southeast Europe"
Vom - Bis
23.06.2022 - 23.06.2022
Florian Riedler, Ost- und Südosteuropäische Geschichte, Universität Leipzig

Virtual Workshop

Slavery and Other Forms of Strong Asymmetrical Dependencies in Ottoman South Eastern Europe

The workshop wants to analyze slavery and other forms of strong asymmetrical dependencies in Ottoman South Eastern Europe. We look to the Ottoman Empire from different angles and are thus interested not only in an Istanbul-centered perspective, but also in studies concerning regional aspects in its European provinces and border-regions – from the Crimean Khanate to Dalmatia, from Hungary to Crete, including connections with neighbouring regions.



9:00 – 9:30 AM (CEST)
Welcome and Introduction
Stephan Conermann, BCDSS, University of Bonn

9:30 – 11:00 AM - PANEL I:
Chair: Stephan Conermann, BCDSS, University of Bonn
Dependence in Rural 17th Century Wallachia, Daniel Ursprung (University of Zurich)
Slavery in the Romanian Principalities and the Ottoman Empire. A Comparative Approach, Viorel Achim (Nicolae Iorga Institute of History, Romanian Academy, Bucharest)

11:15 AM–12:00 PM - PANEL II
Chair: Veruschka Wagner, BCDSS, University of Bonn
The Role of Slavery in the Development of the Italo-Ottoman Unofficial Border in the Red Sea (1869-1902), Giorgio Ennas (European University Institute, Fiesole and Firenze)

12:15 – 1:00 PM
Organizational Meeting of the Research Group "The Ottoman Europe: Methods and Perspectives of Early Modern Studies on Southeast Europe" – open to any-one interested

1:00 – 2:30 PM - PANEL III
Chair: Stefan Rohdewald, Leipzig University
Kidnapped: Selling Free People into Slavery and Disputes about the Ownership of Slaves, Suraiya Faroqhi (İbn Haldun University, Istanbul)
The Relationship of Mutual Dependency: The Ottoman Empire and Its Captives, Cemal Çetin (Selçuk University, Konya)

2:45 – 4:45 PM - PANEL IV
Chair: Suraiya Faroqhi, İbn Haldun University, Istanbul
Slavery in the Crimean Khanate and the Ottoman Empire: a perspective from the Hetmanate sources, Stanislav Mohylnyi (BCDSS, University of Bonn)
Violent Crimes as Manifestation of Superiority in Crimean Society, Zeynep Dörtok Abacı (Bursa Uludağ University)
Slaves, Captives, and Prisoners: An Analysis of Interdependencies in Crimean Society, Fırat Yaşa (BCDSS Fellow, Düzce University)

4:45 – 5:30 PM – Final Discussion and concluding remarks


Jan Hörber
Event Coordinator
+49 228 73 62945
Please register for the workshop
by June 16, 2022 via email.
We will then send you a specific link for this conference so that you can join the JITSI meeting.

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