The Seventh European Congress on World and Global History will be hosted by Leiden University on its campus in The Hague, UN City of Peace and Justice, from 29 June to 1 July 2023. Taking inspiration from its hosting location, the congress explores the main theme of Conflict and Inequity, Peace and Justice: Local, Regional and International Perspectives and is dedicated to discussing structural and specific causes of conflict and inequity as well as the corollary features of various quests for peace and justice. By exploring these causes and quests on the local, regional, transregional, and global scale, more than 300 international researchers shed light on how the dynamics of conflicts and struggles for peace have shaped the lives of peoples and the development of sociopolitical orders in all historical periods and around the globe. Combining insights from diverse disciplines and scholarly traditions, the congress thus contributes to a better understanding of the challenges and potentials of ongoing global transformations and all their political, social, economic, and cultural repercussions.
To structure the discussions and to ensure that the local, regional, and international dimensions of “Conflict and Inequity, Peace and Justice” are explored from varied angles and perspectives, the presentations are clustered into ten themes:
- Historiography and Historical Concepts
- War and Conflict Resolution
- Transcending Cold War Logics
- Mobilities – Forced and Free, Actors and Publics
- Conflict and Justice – Labour Economy and Infrastructures
- Transnational Movements, International Politics, and Institutions
- Colonial Conflict Globally
- Memory, Narratives, Identity
- Development, Environment and Infrastructure
- Rights and Agency
In addition to these multi-faceted and in-depth presentation by scholars from all over the world, the conference will highlight specific views from The Hague as a centre of multilateralism, internationalism(s) and as a UN city in a time of crises. Researchers of the hosting institution, Leiden University, will present their thoughts and findings on Citizen Diplomacy, New Diplomatic History, and Questions of Historical Agency as well as on The Pasts, Presents and Futures of Multilateralism
Next to these thematic contributions, the seventh European Congress on World and Global History also hopes to continue the success of previous ENIUGH congresses from Leipzig to Dresden, London, Paris and Turku, in opening up new directions and possibilities for the field of Global History. The congress is thus framed by activities to raise a new generation of global historians and foster publishing opportunities for historians of the global. The Walter Markov Prize will be awarded to outstanding PhD and MA theses, and we have invited 22 international PhD students to the ENIUGH summer school on Global History in the 2020s which will take place in the days before our congress. The students will present their work and their thoughts on the future of global history during the opening of the congress. Additionally, ideas for the new Palgrave-ENIUGH-Handbook of Global History will be deliberated while publishers and editors of global history will discuss recent trends as well as challenges and opportunities of publishing global history during a Publishers’ Roundtable and the Closing Roundtable Global History. Looking to the Future. Furthermore, the conference will be framed by a publishers’ exhibition.
If you want to participate in this dynamic and multi-layered congress, please register by the 21st of June, following this link:
For the full programme, please check our website: