Gender, family and property in legal theory and practice: the European perspective from 10th-20th century

Gender, family and property in legal theory and practice: the European perspective from 10th-20th century

Department of History & Archaeology, University of Crete
Institute of Mediterranean Studies (I.M.S.), Old Town
Rethymno, Crete, Greece
From - Until
21.09.2006 - 23.09.2006
Kasdagli, Aglaïa

The conference, the fourth in a series, is a conception of the European network "Gender differences in European legal cultures / Geschlechterdifferenz in europäischen Rechtskreisen". The themes considered will be the ways in which gender was affected by law and social practice in the context of family and property, with reference to a number of European societies from the 10 th to the 20 th century.

The conference will examine issues relating to the theme of gender, family and property in legal theory and practice as attested in European societies from the 10th to the 20th centuries. Possible topics within the given theme might include (but are not limited to) the following:

- State law, customary law and legal practice - The legislator, the notary and the judge
- The implications of the system of dowry and inheritance Inequalities, discrimination and conflict
- Town vs. countryside as factors for economic and cultural differentiation
- Gender relations in law and legal practice
There will be two keynote lectures. There will also be up to 20 communications of 25-30 minutes each to allow time for discussion. The conference will conclude with a panel discussion. The language of the conference will be English.



11.00-12.00 Registration – Coffee

12.00-12.30 Welcoming addresses

12.30-13.15 Opening Lecture by Jacqueline Guiral- Hadziiossif: title to be announced

13.15-13.30 Discussion

13.30-14.30 Buffet lunch on the premises

Session I: Law and Custom – Theory and Practice
Chair: Professor Darlene Abreu-Ferreira

14.30-14.55 Maria Drakopoulou (University of Kent): Family, Property and the Politics of Sexual Difference in the Seventeenth Century Natural Law Philosophy

14.55-15.20 Jurgitta Kunsmanaite (Central European University, Budapest): Widows in Normative Law and Legal Practice

15.20-15.45 Eugenia Kermeli (Bilkent University Ankara): Marriage and Divorce for Christians and New Muslims in Crete, 1645-1670

15.45-16.10 Maria Tsikaloudaki (PhD in Modern History, Chania): Christian legators and heirs in Philippopoli before the Tanzimat reforms of 1856

16.10-16.30 Discussion

16.30-17.00 Coffee Break

Session II: Dowry and Inheritance
Chair: Father P. Stefanov

17.00-17.25 Anna Bellavitis (Universiity of Paris 10-Nanterre): Heritage and Dowry in Venetian Law and Practice (13th-16th centuries)

17.25-17.50 Jutta Gisela Sperling (Hampshire College, Amherst, MA): Dowry or Inheritance? Women's Property Rights in Comparison: Lisbon, Venice, Florence (1572)

17.50-18.15 Ida Fazio (University of Palermo): Gender Relationships, Inheritance, and the Market: The Case of the Stromboli Island (Sicily, Italy, 19th Century)

18.15-18.40 Stefania Licini (University of Bergamo): Between law and social practises: top wealthy men and women’s testamentary provisions in 19th century Italy.

18.40-19.00 Discussion

20.00 Evening meal


Session III: Women and Economic Power
Chair: Professor Jutta Sperling

9.30-9.55 Kirsten Fenton (University of Edinburgh): Noblewomen, property and power: the Jumièges evidence, 11th -12th centuries

9.55-10.20 Kostas Moustakas (University of Crete): Widows and the fisc: A comparison between late Byzantium and the early Ottoman Empire

10.20-10.45 Darlene Abreu-Ferreira (University of Winnipeg): Women and family property in early modern Portugal

10.45-11.10 Alexis Malliaris (Ionian University, Corfu): Cittadini families and rural families in Venetian Peloponnese (1685-1715): landownership, social and legal status, economic differentiation and behaviours in a new acquisition of Venice in the transition between the 17th and 18th century

11.10-11.30 Discussion

11.30-12.00 Coffee break

An interlude: Marriage Contracts and Gendered Property Rights

12.00-13.00 Teamwork headed by Aglaia Kasdagli (University of Crete): A database for marriage contracts in the Greek world, 1500-1830
Discussant: Father Pavel Stefanov [A Balkan comparison – to be confirmed]

13.00-13.15 Discussion

13.15-15.30 Lunch buffet on the premises. Free time

Session IV: Ruptures: the effects of modernization – the effects of war
Chair : Dr Margareth Lanzinger

15.30-15.55 Hanne Marie Johansen (University of Bergen): Norwegian Widows after Clerical Servants in the 17th Century: The Year of Mercy and Inheritance

15.55-16.20 Tsvetana Boncheva (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences): Gender relationhips and property among the Bulgarian Catholics in Plodviv region during the first half of the 20th century

16.20-16.45 Evdoxios Doxiadis (University of California, Berkeley): Women, property and the Greek War of Independence: Property transmission and conflict resolution during tumultuous times

16.45-17.10 Nicole Kramer (Institut für Zeitgeschichte, Munich): Fighting Couples – Divorces in National Socialist Society during the Second World War

17.10-17.30 Discussion

17.30-19.30 Optional guided tour of old town (conducted by Dr. Alexis Malliaris and Dr. Antonis Anastasopoulos)

Evening meal has not been arranged yet.


Session V: Strategies of Heirship
Chair Dr Evgenia Kermeli

9.30-9.55 Margareth Lanzinger (University of Vienna): Remarriage: Competing property interests and property mixture – Tyrol and Vorarlberg in the 19th Century

9.55-10.20 Ikaros Mandouvalos (University of Athens): Familial structures and relationships in a bourgeois environment: Inter-gender roles and practices among the Greeks and Macedonian-Vlachs of Pest

10.20-10.45 Maria Spiliotopoulou (Research Centre of Athens Academy): Childless nuclear family versus family of origin in the Greek island of Santorini (17th-early 19th Century)

10.45-11.10 Domenico Rizzo (University of Naples): Beyond kinship: Inheriting from single men (19th-century Rome)

11.10-11.30 Discussion
11.30-12.00 Coffee Break

Session VI: Conflict, exclusion and transgression
Chair: Dr Maria Drakopoulou

12.00-12.25 Grethe Jacobsen (The National Library of Denmark and Copenhagen University Library): Family property in Danish towns and magisterial ideology during the reformation period

12.25-12.50 Nina Koefoed (University of Aarhus): Gender and sexuality in law – sexual relations before marriage

12.50-13.15 Ellinor Forster & Margret Friedrich (University of Innsbruck): Gendered standards of dealing with property in discussion and legal practice: Social representations of “incompetence by mental incapacity” and “wasteful spending” in juridical and everyday discourse

13.15-13.40 Vasso Seirinidou (University of Athens): Punishment after death: Disinheritance and property elimination in the Greek merchant community of Vienna (18th-19th centuries)

13.40-14.00 Discussion
14.00-16.00 Free time for lunch, shopping etc.
16.00-16.45 Final Lecture by Amy Erickson (Cambridge Group for the History of Population and Social Structure). Title to be announced

16.45-.16.30 Discussion
16.30-17.00 Coffee Break

17.00-18.00 Round Table: The historical evolution of the themes examined and the comparative perspective
Co-ordinator: Professor Efi Avdela (University of Crete)
Eleni Sakellariou (University of Crete): The Medieval Perspective.
Anna Bellavitis: The Early Modern Perspective
Ida Fazio: The Modern Perspective
Antonis Anastasopoulos (University of Crete): The Comparative

18.00-18.30 Planning of the next (V) conference of the European network ‘Gender differences in European legal cultures / Geschlechterdifferenz in europäischen Rechtskreisen’.
Co-ordinator: Dr Grethe Jacobsen

18.30-19.00 Conference proceedings-Concluding remarks-Farewell by Aglaia Kasdagli

Contact (announcement)

Institute of Mediterranean Studies
Foundation of Research & Technology (FORTH)
Melissinou & Nikiforou Foka 130
P.O. Box. 119
Rethymno 74100
Crete, Greece
Tel.: (+30) 2831077348
Fax : (+30) 28310 25810
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