Asia is traditionally conceptualized in terms of reasonably stable bounded regions and bounded states. Yet both historically and today this is far from reality. When their troops are not attacking each other, governments may seem more or less bounded. But for centuries, and increasingly today, vast numbers of people, from all levels of society, as well as ideas and capital, have been moving rapidly back and forth within countries, within Asia, and well beyond it. For many people this is temporary, for work, study, trade, or to escape repression. For others these moves are intended as permanent and often unsettle identities and loyalties. At different points in time, some borders are closed, some deeply contested, while others are quite open. All this movement blurs distinctions and locales like rural and urban, village and city. Identities have always been complex but are becoming ever more so. Stereotypes and “othering” remain common, but many populations are increasingly cosmopolitan thanks to travel and cross-border investments. Novels, plays, art, dance, films, and news media are both exploring and expressing the personal and social implications of these moves. Clearly, new research is needed to help re-conceptualize - socially, culturally, economically, and politically - an Asia fundamentally in motion.
This workshop is intended to bring together doctoral students in the humanities and social sciences who are (1) developing dissertation proposals or are in early phases of research or dissertation writing; and who are (2) also dealing with the kinds of issues mentioned above in the context of contemporary or historic Asian states and societies. Participants will be provided meals and accommodations, as well as limited travel subsidies.
The application deadline is December 10, 2010.
For full details regarding eligibility, application procedures, etc., please refer to the announcement on the AAS website (