Transregional Migration, Mobility and Forced Displacement: Moving Beyond Methodological Nationalism

Transregional Migration, Mobility and Forced Displacement: Moving Beyond Methodological Nationalism

CrossArea e.v. (Leipzig) / Arnold Bergstraesser Institute (Freiburg)
Freiburg im Breisgau
Vom - Bis
09.11.2017 - 10.11.2017
Antje Zettler

Cross-Area studies is particularly suited to studying certain concepts or processes of change – one of these is the topic of migration, mobility or forced displacement. In order to counteract methodological nationalism or regionally bounded notions of migration, transregional area studies offer a valuable home for migration studies. Nevertheless, the very process of moving from A to B (and back to A again) raises enormous methodological challenges and questions regarding the empirical and theoretical approaches. The 2017 annual conference seeks to embed our methodological discussion into empirical cases that highlight the many dynamics of (forced) migration.

If you are interested in attending the conference, please register to


Thursday 9th November 2017

1:15 pm–1:45 pm: Arrival and Registration

1:45 pm–2:00 pm: Words of Welcome – Andreas Mehler and Matthias Middell

2:00 pm–2:45 pm: “Protracted refugee situations and durable solutions” (Heidrun Bohnet, BICC)

Discussant: Andreas Mehler (ABI)

2:45 pm–3:30 pm: “Tracing migrants' trajectories. Towards an epistemological integration of the journey” (Anna Lipphardt, University of Freiburg)

Discussant: Matthias Middell (University of Leipzig)

3:30 pm–4:00 pm: Coffee Break

4:00 pm–4:45 pm: “Challenges for comparing comprehensive migration policy across countries and regions” (Luicy Pedroza, GIGA)

Discussant: Christian von Lübke (ABI)

4:45 pm–5:30 pm: “Forced Immobility: Lessons from the Jordanian-Syrian Borderland” (André Bank, GIGA)

Discussant: Benjamin Schütze (ABI)

5:30 pm – 6:30 pm: Roundtable - Lessons for Area Studies so far and Methodological Consequences

Panellists: Andreas Eckert, Elisio Macamo and Ute Rietdorf
Chair: Matthias Middell and Andreas Mehler

7:30 pm: Joint Dinner

Friday 10th November 2017

9:00 am–9:45 am: “The Politics of EU-AU Migration Governance: From Rhetoric to Practice” (Franzisca Zanker, ABI)

Discussant: Ulf Engel (University of Leipzig)

9:45 am–10:30 am: Discussion on DFG Priority Programme “Transnational Studies” (Ulf Engel, University of Leipzig)

10:30 am–11:00 am: Coffee Break

11:00 am–11:30 am: Final Discussions and Conclusion

11:30 am–12:30 pm: Annual General Assembly

From 2 pm the Annual Conference of the African Law Society will start; all conference attendees welcome (please register)


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