2 post-doc positions (ZMO Berlin)

2 post-doc positions (ZMO Berlin)

Zentrum Moderner Orient
Vom - Bis
01.01.2010 -
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Zentrum Moderner Orient

2 Postdoc Research Positions open from 1 January 2010

Zentrum Moderner Orient (ZMO) is an independent centre for interdisciplinary research on the history, societies and cultures of the Middle East, Africa, South and South-East Asia, and Europe. The focus is on influences, perspectives and connections of the south, notably of Muslims and their neighbours. The centre currently employs about 30 research fellows, the majority of them with a background in History, Anthropology and Islamic Studies.
Within its research programme “Muslim Worlds – World of Islam? Concepts, Practices and Crises of the Global”, ZMO announces the opening of two research posts for postdocs or more experienced researchers who are expected to reside in Berlin. They should situate their work in one of the following thematic fields and would be interested to contribute to the relevant working groups:

1. Concepts of World and Order:
The focus of the group is on the “world” (the “universal”, the “global” etc.) as a space beyond everyday life, but interacting with it. The multiplicity, normativity and historicity of these concepts, both religious and secular, and the social carriers of these conceptual ideas are investigated. Both discourse and social analysis approaches are welcome here.

2. Microcosms and the Practices of the Local:
This group is concerned with the spaces and practices of everyday life, notably in particular places (urban and rural) in which people of multiple origins and orientations coexist, interact or clash. Issues of interest are the making of sociality and identity, the regulation and institutionalisation of intergroup relations, and differential participation in public spheres and wider or even global contexts. Comparative approaches seem particularly suited for this research field.

3. Actors in Translocal Spaces:
This group’s focus is on mobile actors (e.g. political, economic or spiritual) from societies influenced by Islam, extending their agency into translocal or even global contexts: individuals, groups and organisations, their horizons and strategies, the conflicts and consequences of their mobility – for themselves and for their contexts.

One of the positions is designated for membership in working group 2, the second position could be placed in any of the groups. ZMO wishes to particularly encourage applications with a regional focus on Iran, Central Asia or Southeast Asia. In addition to the disciplines already represented at ZMO, we encourage specialists from other relevant disciplines such as Sociology, Literary Studies and Geography to apply.

Applications including a CV and a project outline (max. 5 pages) should be sent until October 31 to Dr. Silke Nagel at Zentrum Moderner Orient, Kirchweg 33, D-14129 Berlin. Remuneration will be according to Tarif des öffentlichen Dienstes (TvöD), grade 13 (http://oeffentlicher-dienst.info/tvoed/bund/).

For further information on ZMO and its programme see www.zmo.de or contact Mrs Nagel at zmo@rz.hu-berlin.de. Applications should not contain any original materials, as the documents will not be returned.