1 Doktorandenstelle "Translating Asia. Studying China in Imperial Japan, 1895-1936" (FU Berlin)

1 Doktorandenstelle "Translating Asia. Studying China in Imperial Japan, 1895-1936" (FU Berlin)

Freie Universität Berlin
Place of work
From - Until
01.10.2011 - 30.09.2014
Url (PDF/Website)
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Conrad

The Department of History at the Free University of Berlin (Prof. Sebastian Conrad) is inviting applications for a graduate student with the aim of pursuing a Ph.D. in the project Translating Asia: Studying China in Imperial Japan, 1895-1936. Positions will be for three years, starting from October 2011.

The project "Translating Asia: Studying China in Imperial Japan, 1895-1936" aims to deal with the role of historical actors and institutions in Japan’s quest to come to terms with China in an age of imperialism. It seeks to address questions such as: What kind of knowledge about China was transmitted to Japan in the wake of the Sino-Japanese war? How closely linked was the production of China-related knowledge to the colonial project? What were the disciplinary logics of this scholarly engagement with China? How strong were the links to older kangaku traditions? Was China-related knowledge mobilized for alternative projects of building allegiance, such as Pan-Asianism? What were the links between knowledge production and the imperial and economic penetration of the continent? Possible points of departure include the chair in colonial studies at Tokyo University, Takushoku University, and the Tôa dôbun shoin in Shanghai.

The project is part of a larger collaborative project on Social Actors in the History of Globalization, 1890-1940 that aims to assess the place, role, and impact of social actors in the process of globalization in the early 20th century. The project (German language website: http://www.cultglobe.net) is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG).

We welcome applications from researchers with a very good MA degree in History or in Japanese Studies. Japanese language proficiency is a requirement. We also ask for a good command of the English language. Familiarity with current debates in the field of global history is an advantage. Applications should include a CV, transcript of records, and a cover letter. Salaries will be calculated on the basis of BAT IIa, 65% of the German salary scheme.

Deadline for applications: 14 June, 2011.

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