The International Research Training Group (IRTG) “Diversity: Mediating Difference in Transcultural Spaces” (Trier, Montréal, Saarbrücken), funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), is accepting applications for:
1 doctoral research position (TVL 13, 50%)
at the University of Trier or at Saarland University, for the time until Sept. 30, 2017, starting at the earliest date possible, with a possible contract renewal for 18 more months pending the continuation of funding by the DFG
The International Research Training Group (IRTG) “Diversity” is a joint German-Canadian doctoral education program of the University of Trier, Saarland University, and the Université de Montréal. On the German side, it has its offices at the University of Trier. The IRTG “Diversity” proposes an innovative research program in the contested fields of diversity, multiculturalism, and transnationalism by examining paradigmatic changes and historical transformations in interpreting multicultural realities in North America (Montréal, Québec, Canada, North America) and Europe (Saar-Lor-Lux, Germany, France, Europe) since the 18th century. Focusing on dynamic processes that engender diversity, the IRTG Diversity's analytical framework offers new perspectives for transnational and area studies as well as cross-cultural research. Through the transversal analytic lenses of politics, practices, and narratives, the IRTG investigates the mediation and translation of cultural differences in micro-, meso- and macro-level empirical constellations. Following the principle of herméneutique croisée, our researchers in Europe focus on the sliding-scaled spatial zones of Montréal – Québec – Canada – North America, while our researchers in Canada focus on the Saar-Lor-Lux region – Germany/France – Europe. We thus are especially interested in PhD projects focusing empirically on Canada and/or Quebec. Projects with a comparative approach are also encouraged.
Research-oriented Curriculum
The IRTG “Diversity's” three-year research-oriented curriculum is based on regular meetings of the doctoral students and the IRTG’s researchers, including intensive summer and winter schools, a mid-term international conference, and a dissertation workshop in the third year of the program. PhD candidates will have access to the research facilities of all three participating universities. The IRTG offers financial support for research trips to our Canadian partner university, to Canadian archives, and to Canadian research institutions during the mobility phases. PhD candidates will be supervised by professors who are members of the Research Training Group (see We therefore require that applicants enroll as doctoral students at the University of Trier or at Saarland University, depending on the location of the first supervisor, and take residence in Trier or Saarbrücken. To ensure regular scholarly exchanges, we require PhD candidates to work at the offices we provide at the University of Trier for three days a week.
For further information about the IRTG Diversity’s research and qualification program, please consult our website at
The IRTG “Diversity” invites the application of highly qualified applicants from diverse fields, including history, political science, literature, linguistics, intercultural communication and media studies, cultural studies, philosophy, sociology, cultural anthropology, gender studies and human geography. We expect applicants to be fluent in at least two of the IRTG “Diversity’s” official languages (German, English, French).
Applications can be submitted in German, French, or English and are due April 15, 2016. They should include:
- A statement of purpose (no longer than three pages)
- An exposé outlining the dissertation project (max. 10 pages)
- A curriculum vitae
- Contact information for two referees
- Copies of earned degrees (including copy of higher education entrance qualification)
- Proof of language skills (English, French, German)
- A writing sample (preferably the MA thesis)
- The DFG-based data survey questionnaire (see our website at
We welcome applications from researchers of all nationalities. The University of Trier and Saarland University strive to increase the share of women in research and strongly encourage women to apply. Both universities are certified family-friendly employers. Applicants with disabilities who are equally qualified will be favoured.
Please include all application material in one pdf or zip-file and send your applications via e-mail (subject: IRTG “Diversity”) to:
Dr. Lutz Schowalter
Academic Coordinator, IRTG Diversity
DM 240
54286 Trier