Fellow Programme at the DFG Research Training Group “Critical Junctures of Globalization”

Fellow Programme at the DFG Research Training Group “Critical Junctures of Globalization”

Centre for Area Studies, University of Leipzig
From - Until
01.09.2012 -
Engel, Ulf

During 2012, the DFG Research Training Group (GK 1261): “Critical Junctures of Globalization“ is offering a Fellow Programme that is integrated into the research activities of the Centre for Area Studies (CAS) at the University of Leipzig.

The PhD Research Training Group is devoted to the interdisciplinary analysis of processes of globalization focusing on those places, moments and arenas in which new spatializations of social action have been negotiated from the early 19th century to the present.

The following disciplines contribute to the programme: African studies, history, global studies, human geography, Japanese studies, cultural sociology, cultural studies of East-Central Europe, Oriental studies, political science and economics.

During the programme’s next research period the following three areas of interest, with a strong emphasis on theoretical analysis, will be focused on:
1) the global synchronicity of political, cultural and economic crises
2) portals of globalization as zones of contact and compression of processes of globalization
3) actor-based strategies to deal with processes of deterritorialization and spatial reconfigurations

Within these research areas current as well as historical processes will be examined through comparative analysis. For more details on the research programme see: www.uni-leipzig.de/ral/bruchzonen.

During 2012 we will invite Fellows to Leipzig to work within the Research Training Group for a period from one to three months and to participate in the academic activities of the group and its associates.

Applications can be sent by e-mail and must include a cover letter that states the preferred dates and length of stay, a curriculum vitae, a list of published works and a proposal for the intended project during the stay at Leipzig (3 to 5 pages). The project should relate to research carried out by the Research Training Group and relate to one or more of the research foci outlined above.

Accepted applicants of the research training group will receive a travel allowance and a stipend in accordance with the fee scale of the University of Leipzig to cover costs. Any further expenses for research and workshop material will be covered according to the project proposal and to available resources of the GK 1261 after prior agreement.

If you are interested, please apply by the 30 June 2012 either by e-mail to: bruchzonen@uni-leipzig.de or by mail to:

Prof. Dr. Ulf Engel
Universität Leipzig
Centre for Area Studies
Thomaskirchhof 20
04109 Leipzig

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