Kyoto University and Heidelberg University invite interested students to orientations in Japan and Germany about the new international Joint Degree Master of Arts Program in Transcultural Studies (JDTS).
Japan: November 18, 2017 (Sat), 13:30-15:30, Kyoto University Tokyo Office
Germany: November 24, 2017 (Fr), 13:30-16:00, Heidelberg Centre for Transcultural Studies
Building on the strengths of both institutions, this jointly conducted, research-oriented English-language graduate program offers students access to an interdisciplinary field in the humanities and social sciences to study and research transcultural dynamics between and within Asia and Europe in a global context. The study program is situated at two partner institutions, the Graduate School of Letters (GSL) of Kyoto University and the Heidelberg Centre for Transcultural Studies (HCTS) of Heidelberg University. Students enrolled in the program begin their studies at one of these two partners, their home institution, but spend an equal amount of time at the other university. After two years of study and supervised by international faculty of both, the GSL and the HCTS, students submit a single master thesis to receive a Master of Arts degree jointly awarded by both universities upon completion.
The transregional outlook of the JDTS is based on the perspective that cultures are not contained within ethnically closed, linguistically homogenous and territorially bounded spheres. Instead they are constituted through transformations and entanglements that follow from contacts and relationships between various agents, concepts and institutions. Transcultural Studies combine methodological and theoretical approaches from a broad spectrum of disciplines in the humanities and social sciences.
The study program expands the regional and disciplinary competences students have obtained in their Bachelor degrees or another Master degree. Students of the JD Transcultural Studies acquire empirical knowledge on historical and contemporary moments of exchange as well as on theories and methodologies to frame and analyze such processes. The JDTS is primarily designed to train its students for a successful career in international academia.
- Student Quota:
10 students between both partners per year (5 students enrolled at Heidelberg university as their home institution, 5 students enrolled at Kyoto University).
- Degree Granted: Master of Arts
- Standard Duration:
2 years (one year at the home institution and one year at the partner).
- First Date of Enrollments:
Spring 2018 (at Kyoto University)
The orientation in Japan targets primarily BA students who will graduate by March 2018 but is also open to students in earlier stages of their undergraduate studies. The first cohort of students will enroll at Kyoto University for the spring term 2018 (application time frame: Dec. 18-21, 2017)..
Location: Tokyo, Chiyoda, Marunouchi 1-5-1, Shin-Marunouchi Bldg., 10th floor
Language: English and Japanese
For more information about the program and the Japan orientation (incl. access), please visit:
Please register until November 12 via email to
The orientation in Germany targets first-year students already enrolled in non-joint degree variant of the Master in Transcultural Studies who can apply for a transfer to this new international variant from April 2018 (application deadline Jan. 15, 2018). Advanced BA students who will graduate by September 2018 are also invited to learn about this study opportunity.
For more information about the program and the Germany orientation (incl. access), please visit:
Location: Karl Jaspers Centre, Voßstr. 2, Building 4400, 69115 Heidelberg (Room 212)
Language: English
Please register until November 20 via this form:
Please send inquiries to