Journal of Global History 1 (2006), 2

Journal of Global History 1 (2006), 2
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three times a year
Print only: £ 25.00



Organization name
Journal of Global History
United Kingdom
Journal of Global History, Room A288, London School of Economics and Political science, Houghton Street, London, WC2A 2AE, UK
Kahlert, Torsten

The following issue is now available online:

Table of contents

Globalizing the Harlem Renaissance: Irish, Mexican, and ‘Negro’ renaissances in /The Survey/, 1919–1929
Bob Johnson
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pp 155 - 175

Global rust belt: /Hemileia vastatrix/ and the ecological integration of world coffee production since 1850
Stuart McCook
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pp 177 - 195

Disease, diplomacy and international commerce: the origins of international sanitary regulation in the nineteenth century
Mark Harrison
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pp 197 - 217

‘Trust in God, but tie your camel first.’ The economic organization of the trans-Saharan slave trade between the fourteenth and nineteenth centuries
Sebastian Prange
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pp 219 - 239

The Spanish Empire and its legacy: fiscal redistribution and political conflict in colonial and post-colonial Spanish America
Regina Grafe; Maria Alejandra Irigoin
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pp 241 - 267

Britain, industry and perceptions of China: Matthew Boulton, ‘useful knowledge’ and the Macartney Embassy to China 1792–94
Maxine Berg
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pp 269 - 288

Living standards in the past: new perspectives on well-being in Asia and Europe /By Robert C. Allen, Tommy Bengtsson and Martin Dribe, eds. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005. Pp. xxii + 472. ISBN 0-19-928068-1/ Anne Booth
[ abstract ] <>
pp 289 - 292

Creating the Twentieth Century: Technical Innovations of 1867–1914 and their Lasting Impact /By Vaclav Smil. New York: Oxford University Press, 2005. Pp. vi + 350. ISBN 0 19 516874 7/Daniel Headrick
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pp 293 - 294

Labour and New Social Movements in a Globalising World System /By Berthold Unfried and Marcel van der Linden, eds., with the help of Christine Schindler. Leipzig: Akademische Verlagsanstalt, 2004. Pp. 253. (ITH-Tagungsberichte 38). ISBN 3-931982-36-X/Eckhardt Fuchs
[ abstract ] <>
pp 294 - 295

The Birth of the Modern World, 1780–1914: Global Connections and Comparisons /By C. A. Bayly. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2004. Pp. xxiv, 540. ISBN 978 0 631 18799 8/Mamie Hughes-Warrington
[ abstract ] <>
pp 295 - 297

Globalization: A Short History /By Jürgen Osterhammel and Neils P. Petersson. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2005. Pp. xi + 182. £14.95. ISBN 0 691 12165 6/David Christian
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pp 297 - 298

Editors Information
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Regional Classification
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Additional Informations
Holdings Print ISSN: 1740-0228