Connections Redaktion

Universität Leipzig

Recent articles

Konf: "Modernities, Mobilities, and Change” Dissertation Workshop
German Association for Asian Studies
Kathmandu 30.05.2025 - 31.05.2025

CFA: Looking back at the African Lefts (1960s - 1990s)
Cahiers d'histoire. Revue d'histoire critique
- 15.02.2025

Vorl: ANN: 2025 Seminar on "Political, cultural and intellectual South-North circulations in the post-Bandung era: towards a connected history of the Commonwealth"
AGORA (CY Cergy Paris Université), CORPUS (Université de Picardie Jules Verne) and PLEIADE (Université Sorbonne Paris Nord)
- 21.02.2025 - 25.04.2025

Konf: Symposium: The Worlds of Pre-Modern Neutrality (ca. 1400-1800): Norms, Institutions and Practices
Stefano Cattelan & Frederik Dhondt (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
Antwerp 08.05.2025 - 09.05.2025

CFP: Call for Proposals: Early Modern Global Separation
Cecilia Lundström, Lund University
Lund 20.08.2025 - 22.08.2025

CFA: Dossier on Commodity Frontiers in Latin America at HAAL
Dr. Andrea Montero (University of Costa Rica) and Dr. Santiago Colmenares (Universidad del Norte, Colombia)
- 01.03.2025

CFA: Call for Proposals: Bloomsbury Handbook of the Histories of Internationalism
Jessica Reinisch (Birkbeck), Su Lin Lewis (Bristol), and David Brydan (King’s College London)
- 01.03.2025 - 01.03.2025

CFP: Global 1776: Imperial Worlds in Upheaval
the University of Chicago, the University of Hong Kong and the David Center for the American Revolution at the American Philosophical Society
- 12.03.2026 - 14.03.2026

Ank: African Consumers and the Global Economy: A new History
Research Team of "Arms, Beads and Cloth: African Consumers and the 19th-century Global Economy"
- 07.02.2025 - 27.06.2025

CFP: HYBRID Sixth International Conference of the Asian Association of World Historians (AAWH): "Gulf and the Globe"
Doha Institute for Graduate Studies
Doha 25.10.2025 - 26.10.2025

Sem: REMINDER International Summer School: “Towards Inclusive Global Histories”
European Network in Universal and Global History (ENIUGH)
Växjö 07.09.2025 - 09.09.2025

CFP: International Organizations and the Making of the Modern World
International Center for Drug Policy Studies, SHU; Center for the History of Global Development, SHU; Center for History of International Organizations, SYSU
Shanghai 06.06.2025 - 08.06.2025

Konf: Hybrid Workshop: Writing Global Histories of Socio-Economic Rights
GLOSOC project
Sheffield 05.06.2025 - 06.06.2025

CFP: Imagining the Anti-Fascist City: Contested Geographies of Resistance and Solidarity
Kasper Braskén, Moshumee T. Dewoo, Shane Little
Helsinki 05.06.2025 - 06.06.2025

CFP: ‘Justice’ and ‘Legality’ in Imperial and Post-Imperial Spaces
PD Dr. Stefan Kirmse, Senior Research Fellow, Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient [ZMO], Berlin, Germany; Prof. Dr. Oliver Reisner, Ilia State University
Tbilisi 01.05.2025 - 03.05.2025

Ank: Displaced Arts: Creative Practices and Geographies of Asylum (Interdisciplinary Symposium, University of Edinburgh, 24th June 2025)
Annie Webster
Edinburgh 24.06.2025 - 24.06.2025

CFA: Transformations of Foodways: Coloniality, Resistance and Resurgence
Nina Moeller, Jessica Milgroom, Lopa Saxena
- 03.03.2024

Ank: International Conference: African independences: processes, imaginaries, connections
Plataforma 9
- 10.12.2025 - 12.12.2025

CFP: Survivors, Memory, and Displacement: The Legacies of the Holocaust and Italian Colonialism
Matteo D'Avanzo, SNS & INALCO
London 07.01.2026 - 09.01.2026

CFP: Ethioglobal: Exploring Ethiopian Diaspora in the 20th Century
Matteo D'Avanzo, the Scuola Normale Superiore & INALCO
Prague 06.12.2024 - 28.06.2025