Zeitschrift für Mittelmeerstudien (ZfM)

Zeitschrift für Mittelmeerstudien (ZfM)

Zeitschrift für Mittelmeerstudien (ZfM)
From - Until
02.11.2021 -
Dario Böcker, Ruhr-Universität Bochum

As the first Mediterranean journal in the German-speaking academic world, Zeitschrift für Mittelmeerstudien (ZfM) as the mouthpiece of the Center for Mediterranean Studies at the Ruhr University Bochum will promote a sustainable Mediterranean perspective on historical and contemporary events and processes in the Mediterranean and provide a publication platform of international scope.

Zeitschrift für Mittelmeerstudien (ZfM)

ZfM is a peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary, freely accessible, trilingual (language of publication being either German, English or French) Journal of international scope and also addresses young scholars of Mediterranean Studies. As a Gold Open Access journal covering the spectrum of humanities, cultural and social sciences in all epochs of the Mediterraneum, it makes the results of national and international Mediterranean research freely accessible and reusable.

Genereal information for submissions:

- There are no deadlines for the submission of articles. Papers submitted to be considered for publication are welcome at all times.
- Contributions will be accepted in either English, German or French.
- ZfM is a pure online journal, i.e. papers accepted for publication and formatted according to our style sheet will be published immediately thereafter without further delay.
- Any contribution will be published under licence Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
- There are no publication fees or other charges for authors.
- The journal operates in an anonymous peer-review mode.
- Final acceptance of submitted articles will be decided following consideration of the reviewers’ feedback.

Submissions of articles can be made any time by e-mail attachment in an usual format (Word, RTF, TXT or ODT) to the managing editor Andreas Eckl (zfm-editor@rub.de) or to any of the editors (see Editorial Team).

Contact (announcement)

E-Mail: zfm-editor@rub.de

Editors Information
Published on
Temporal Classification
Regional Classification
Subject - Topic
Additional Informations
Country Event
Language(s) of event
English, French, German
Language of announcement