The Mediterranean and its Blind Spots: Transhistorical Perspectives on a Contested Area

The Mediterranean and its Blind Spots: Transhistorical Perspectives on a Contested Area

CITAS, Universität Regensburg & Mittelmeer Plattform, Universität Konstanz (Laura Linzmeier, Jonas Hock, Andreas Guidi)
Laura Linzmeier, Jonas Hock, Andreas Guidi
Regensburg, H4 and online via Zoom
From - Until
20.10.2021 - 02.02.2022
Paul Vickers, CITAS Center for International and Transnational Area Studies, Universität Regensburg

The multidisciplinary approach considers this region’s relevance for today’s world, exploring whether the Mediterranean offers a viable meso-level between the exclusivity of nation-centered approaches and the stress on connectivity adopted by global history.

The lecture series is organized by members of the University of Regensburg CITAS-Network MS ISLA in cooperation with the Mittelmeer-Plattform at the University of Konstanz.

The Mediterranean and its Blind Spots: Transhistorical Perspectives on a Contested Area

“Vast and diverse and yet fixed”. The Italian poet Eugenio Montale used these words to describe the “hazardous law” of the Mediterranean Sea as a metaphor of the human condition. This
quotation can also be taken as a metaphor for the traditions of research on the Mediterranean region, oscillating between ambitions of unity and longue durée on the one hand, and fragmentation and asymmetries on the other hand. How can different disciplines engage in dialogue between an introuvable (unfindable, indiscoverable) Mediterranean universe (Moatti) and the need to address this region’s relevance for today’s world?
Another key question addressed here is: can the Mediterranean offer a viable meso-level between the exclusivity of nation-centered approaches and the stress on connectivity adopted by global history?

This lecture series engages with concepts in area studies and beyond in the search for topics, people, cultures, languages, and places that have remained at the margins of research. It proposes a Mediterranean perspective to make these underexplored phenomena visible and retrieve their resonance on a wider scale. The Mediterranean and its Blind Spots thus features specialists from different disciplines including history, language and cultural studies, anthropology, and archaeology. The lectures address various periods from antiquity to the present. This broad frame allows for reflexive discussion on the consequences of adopting a Mediterranean prism in current research (and beyond).

The lecture series is organized by members of the University of Regensburg CITAS-Network MS ISLA in cooperation with the Mittelmeer-Plattform at the University of Konstanz. It is aimed at students, the broader research community, and any other interested audiences. The events will take place in a hybrid format and can be attended virtually (on Zoom) or in situ (Regensburg).

Virtual participants are asked to register with


Wednesdays, 16:00-17:30

Andreas Guidi (Konstanz), Jonas Hock, Laura Linzmeier (Regensburg)
Grundbegriffe der Mediterranean und Area Studies

Rainer Liedtke (Regensburg)
Metamorphose durch Hellenisierung: Thessalkoniki und der Große Brand von 1917

Rembert Eufe (Tübingen)
Das veneziano de là da mar

Sonja Brentjes & Victor de Castro y León (Berlin)
Mittelmeerbeziehungen aus der Sicht von See- und Landkarten (14. 17. Jh.)

Ulrich van Loyen (Siegen)
Trance und Tradition. Erweckungsbewegungen im Italien des 20. Jahrhunderts

Ralf Junkerjürgen (Regensburg)
Der staatenlose Graf von Monte Christo: Insel als Handlungsraum und Symbol im Werk von Alexandre Dumas

Sarah Nimführ (Linz)
(Im)Mobilität und mediterrane Migration

Jasmin Daam (Bonn)
How to see it: Tourism and Space-Formation in the Arab Eastern Mediterranean in the Early Twentieth Century

M’hamed Oualdi (Paris)
Ottoman Legacies in Colonial North Africa (1860s-1920s)

Martina Seifert (Hamburg)
Kommunikationsraum Adria: Befunde, Interpretationen, Narrative

Robert Blackwood & Stefania Tufi (Liverpool)
The Mediterranean as a transnational space: a sociolinguistic perspective from France and Italy

Karla Mallette (Michigan) & Daniel König (Konstanz)
Cosmopolitan languages in the Mediterranean: book launch and discussion

Steffen Schneider (Graz)
Die Repräsentation mediterraner Hafenstädte in literarischen Texten der romanischen Literaturen

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