
The EEGA disseminates collaborative research results into academia by open access publications and into the public by organising public events and employing social media. For this dissemination the EEGA closely cooperates with the e-journal “Connections” in mutually profiting collaboration. The ScienceCampus EEGA publishes about 2-3 “EEGA@connections” issues every year and has its own column “EEGA in dialogue”. Members, guest researchers and EEGA-Postdoc fellows can publish their project outlines and first findings here. “Connections” also serves as a newsletter for the EEGA community and publishes calls for applications, for papers, events, reviews and other news on a regular basis. In addition, collections of selected short papers on a particular topic, e.g. from workshops and thematic kick-off meetings, are published with an introduction as PDF Working Papers. They can be retrieved on both the Connections website and the Open Access library of the EEGA.
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Connections is a part of Clio-online network, which acts as an information and communication platform and technical provider. Clio-online concentrates online services for historians, develops new concepts and supports a technical infrastructure to further the use of the World Wide Web in the historical sciences. Connections is hosted by the society Verein "Clio-online – Historisches Fachinformationssystem e.V." .
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