Lecture Series - Frictions and Transformations of Globalization

Lecture Series (Ringvorlesung): Frictions and Transformations of Globalization

CITAS and Leibniz ScienceCampus Europe and America
H19, Sammelgebäude, Universität Regensburg
Funded by
Leibniz Association
From - Until
25.04.2022 - 25.07.2022
Paul Vickers, CITAS Center for International and Transnational Area Studies, Universität Regensburg

This lecture series, organized by the Center for International and Transnational Area Studies (CITAS) together with the Leibniz ScienceCampus Europe and America in Regensburg, focuses on three interlinked elements that are crucial to understanding globality in its diversity across multiple spaces and throughout history: the environment, migration and labor.

Lecture Series (Ringvorlesung): Frictions and Transformations of Globalization

Mondays, 18:15 - 19:45 | H19 (Sammelgebäude), University of Regensburg

Motion produces frictions. These have the potential to stall, inhibit or halt shifts. But frictions also release energy, thus producing new movements. Whether in large-scale tectonic shifts or micro-level encounters, interactions between people, technologies, ideas, natural conditions, and the flows of capital and goods shape the diverse, long-term and often contradictory processes termed globalization. It has become apparent that globalization is neither a smooth nor unidirectional process; but rather it is something that undergoes constant challenges, re-direction, and re-appropriation so that its course is neither predictable nor controllable. Nor, for that matter, has globalization led to convergence; rather it has given rise to new divergences across and within countries and continents.

This lecture series focuses on three interlinked elements that are crucial to understanding globality in its diversity across multiple spaces and throughout history: the environment, migration and labor. Drawing on the expertise of colleagues in Regensburg and around the world, the lecture series will offer interdisciplinary perspectives informed by area studies that combine macro-perspectives and critical place-oriented scholarship, in order to highlight the intersections between different scales. Rather than posit a seamless globalization, the speakers highlight the productive and destructive frictions emerging from the interaction and interdependencies between local action and large-scale forces. In this story, natural resources, mobility and human labor are paramount.

The lectures will offer insights on Eastern and Western Europe, North and South America, indicating connections to other world regions and worldwide institutions, as well as highlighting how the global condition is made and remade in local sites and through translocal connections.

Speakers include academics from Regensburg, visiting fellows of the Leibniz ScienceCampus from the USA and Spain, as well as invited guests from Germany and abroad.


25.04 – Ulf Brunnbauer (IOS Regensburg) – Introduction; Presentation of the award-winning students in the 2021 Area Studies Master’s Prize

02.05 – Jean-Marc Moura (Paris Nanterre) - Francophone literatures as migrant literatures. Between a postcolonial and a global history of literature.

09.05 – Ronald Suny (U Michigan, Ann Arbor) - Forging the Nation: The Making and Faking of Nationalisms in Our Own Times

16.05 – Kate Wroblewski (U Michigan, Ann Arbor) - Fit For Citizenship?: Polish Migration and the Politics of Respectability in the Early Twentieth Century

Thursday 19.05, 16:15 via Zoom – Kristen Ghodsee and Mitchell Orenstein (University of Pennsylvania) - Taking Stock of Shock: Social Consequences of the 1989 Revolutions.

30.05 – Sinem Ayhan (IOS Regensburg) - Distributional effects of climate policies and decarbonization challenges in low- and middle-income countries

13.06 – Ben Chappell (U Kansas) - What is the "American Model"? Learning Management and Knowledge Ideologies in a “Moment of Danger” for Universities

20.06 – Attila Melegh (Corvinus U, Budapest) - Globalization and the migration turn. Why migration has become a polarizing issue

27.06 – Nishani Frazier (U Kansas) - The Sounds of Blackness: How Gentrification Silences and Displaces Belonging

04.07 – Ger Duijzings (UR) - TBC

11.07 – Hartmut Lehmann (IOS Regensburg) - Globalization, inequality and the labor market - 1970 to 2010

18.07 – Celia Torrecillas Bautista (Complutense, Madrid) - Exports and outward Foreign Direct Investment as drivers of eco-innovations. An analysis based on Spanish manufacturing firms.

25.07 – Exam / Klausur

Contact (announcement)

Paul Vickers, citas@ur.de

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