Ghent University has vacancies for 6 professorships, starting from 1 October 2007. It concerns 6 jobs as full-time Professor in the rank of Lecturer (docent) or Professor in the rank of Senior Lecturer (hoofddocent) with a focus on scientific research, financed by the Special Research Fund 2007 (BOF).
- One post has been earmarked for a field of research within the alpha-faculties (Arts and Humanities, Law, Economics and Business Administration, Psychology and Educational Sciences, Political and Social Sciences).
- One post has been earmarked for a field research within the beta-faculties (Sciences, Engineering, Bioscience Engineering).
- One post has been earmarked for a field research within the gamma-faculties (Medicine and Health Sciences, Veterinary Medicine, Pharmaceutical Sciences).
- The three remaining posts may be filled in any field of study.
Taking up this position, financed by the Special Research Fund, implies the privilege of focusing almost exclusively on research activities, as the teaching load must not exceed 9 study points on a yearly basis, on average over a period of 3 years. As a rule, these appointments are made for one up to five years, a period which can be renewed to a maximum of ten years. Afterwards, the amount of time devoted to teaching, research and related academic activities can be modified by the Board of Governors of the Ghent University.
In principle each of these full-time positions will lead to a tenured position, without prejudice to the possibility of, in case of a first appointment as a professor, the Board of Governors of Ghent University to change the tenured position into an appointment for a duration of maximum three years possibility leading to tenure after a positive evaluation.
Depending on the specific profile of the selected candidate, the degree of Professor in the rank of Lecturer or Professor in the rank of Senior Lecturer will be granted.
Each of these positions is allocated a research grant of € 170.000 to cover operational and personnel costs. This sum covers the employment of a PhD student for a period of 4 years, including the financing of his/her research.
- on the day of application, candidates should hold a PhD degree with doctoral thesis or a degree recognized as equivalent;
- having at least three years of post-doctoral research experience on the 1st of October 2007;
- candidates are required to have research experience in a field of study, proven by, among other things, recent publications in national and international peer reviewed journals;
- having experience in international mobility, amongst others through participation in research programmes at research institutions not linked to the university where the highest degree was obtained, is recommended;
- experience in supervising research and/or coaching PhD students is recommended;
- candidates are required to possess the necessary didactic, organizational and communicative skills for teaching at an academic level.
Candidates need not know Dutch upon appointment, but will be expected to obtain a working knowledge of the language within three years. The official language at Ghent University is Dutch.
Applications must be sent in duplicate by registered mail to the Rector of Ghent University, Rectorate building, Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 25, 9000 Gent, Belgium. Candidates must use the specific application forms that are specially provided for ZAP-positions (Autonomous Academic Staff). Candidates must also add a presentation of their intended research activities (“research plan”: min. three/ max. five pages written in English, complemented by a summary of one page written in Dutch), as well as the necessary certificates of competence (amongst others, copies of degrees and/or diplomas). Candidates must send this information the 31st of January 2007 at the latest.
More detailed information on this vacancies can be obtained from the Research Coordination Office in the Department of Research Affairs (Tel.: + 32 (0)9 264 30 33).
The application forms Autonomous Academic Staff (ZAP)
- can be obtained at Ghent University, Department of Personnel and Organization, Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 25, 9000 Gent.
- can be requested by phone: + 32 (0)9 264 31 29 or 264 31 30.
- can be downloaded from the internet: