Dr. Susan Richter
Programme (all panels will take place from 18-20 hrs in Room 212, Karl Jaspers Centre, admission free)
28.10.10 Culture/Civilization
Speakers: “On the Dialectics of Culture and Civilization”, Paul Geyer, University of Bonn
“Civilization, Custom, Culture: Three Concepts of Freedom in Colonial Bengal“, Andrew Sartori, New York University
Discussant: Joseph Maran, University of Heidelberg
11.11.10 History/Politics
Speakers: “Is There a Need for a Historiography of “the Political”? Considerations on an Ancient Subject”, Luise Schorn-Schütte, University of Frankfurt
“Conceptualizations of ‘History’ and the ‘Past’ in 19th Century Japanese Thought”, Koichiro Matsuda, Rikkyo University, Tokyo
Discussant: Hans Harder, University of Heidelberg
25.11.10 Canons/Classics
Speakers: “Classics and Canons: Modern Reconfigurations’”, Sally Humphreys, Central European University, Budapest
“Canonization and Buddhism: What Can We Learn from the Production of Canonical Collections in Tibet?” Birgit Kellner, University of Heidelberg
Discussant: Rudolf G. Wagner, University of Heidelberg
9.12.10 Public/Private
Speakers: “Public/Gong 公 and Private/Si 私 in China”, Dorothy Ko, Barnard College, New York
“The Suggestive Power of the Public-Private Dichotomy in Modern Western European Thinking”, Ulrike Weckel, Ruhr University of Bochum
Discussant: Monica Juneja, University of Heidelberg
13.01.11 Art/Science
Speakers: 'Art': A Modern European Invention, Raphael Rosenberg, University of Vienna
"Exact and Positive: Conceptions of the Past of the Sciences in India", Dhruv Raina, Heinrich Zimmer visiting Professor, University of Heidelberg
Discussant: Melanie Trede, University of Heidelberg
20.01.11 Law/Liberty
Speakers: “Liberté/Liberty/Freiheit: A Key Concept for (Early) Modern Western Cultures between Universality and Cultural Specificity”, Hans-Jürgen Lüsebrink, University of Saarbrücken
“Moral and Political Freedom: Inter-/Transcultural Explorations”, Monika Kirloskar- Steinbach, University of Constance
Discussant: Harald Fuess, University of Heidelberg
27.01.11 Rationality/Emotion
Speakers: “Emotions and Sensivities in Chinese History’“, Angelika Messner, University of Kiel
"The Violent Ideal. Representations of Rationality/Emotion in the Modern German Imaginary", Martina Kessel, University of Bielefeld
Discussant: Christoph Wulf, Freie Universität Berlin