'Crossing National Borders: People, Goods, Capitals, and Ideas' IX. Sommerschule des Graduiertenzentrums Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften

'Crossing National Borders: People, Goods, Capitals, and Ideas' IX. Sommerschule des Graduiertenzentrums Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften

Graduiertenzentrum Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften, Research Academy Leipzig
From - Until
19.09.2011 - 22.09.2011
Martina Keilbach

The international Summer School calls upon PhD students from various disciplines whose dissertation research is predominately preoccupied with the cross-border circulation of people, things, ideas and capital. To this end, the Summer School will pursue three main objectives:

-A primary aim of the Summer School is to foster an exchange between representatives of various fields, each with its own respective range of instruments that work out empirical analyses of transnationalization (or simply, transnational processes). An outcome in this dimension can be, from a historical perspective, a periodization of what is frequently referenced as a merely new phenomenon: transnationalization, and in a systematic perspective, the outline of an empirically saturated definition of transnationalization can emerge.
-A second objective is to acquaint oneself with the debates surrounding transnationalization in the various disciplines, as well as to promote dialogue with objections that have been formulated against the focus upon the transnational phenomenon.

-Finally, the purpose of the Summer School is to seek answers as to why certain societies are situated stronger in their focus upon transnational research than others, and whether this (from a critically re-flexive research perspective) reveals the continuing dissimilarities between the various disciplines and academic cultures, or whether it is a revelation of representative characteristics of the particular disci-plines.

This also raises the question as to whether the concept of transnationality mutatis mutandis can be assigned to older historical epochs and circumstances, which are not characterized by strong nationalization of politics, trade and society. Additionally, which characteristics can come to light with such a “stretching” of the concept of transnationalization?


MONDAY, 19 September 2011
10:00 Prorektor Matthias Schwarz (Leipzig): Opening Remarks (Room 4.20)

10:15-11:00 Matthias Middell (Leipzig): Transnational History – recent trends in an ongoing debate

11:00-12:30 David A. Smith (Irvine): The World Urban Hierarchy: Why Does it Matter? Global Cities in Networks

13:30-16:00 Panel 1: Self-Representations and External Portrayals-Imagining India through the National and the Transnational lens (Room 4.12)
Chair: Anandita Bajpai (Leipzig)

Prem Poddar (Berlin): Ideational India: Zooming in from Zomistan, Southeast Asia and Other Distractions

Christoph Senft (Potsdam): Transmoderne literarische Historiographie: Lokale Vergangenheiten und globale Designs in indisch-englischsprachigen Romanen der Gegenwart

Anandita Bajpai (Leipzig): Imagining India: Political Speeches and the discursive constructions of a secular democratic emerging India

Commentary: Michael Mann (Berlin/Leipzig)

13:30-16:00 Panel 2a: East-Central Europe in Transnational Perspective, Section I (Room 4.14)
Chair: Anna Gorski (Leipzig)

Deak, Mate (Pécs): The hidden and recorded (shown in the documents) legal developement of German civil aviation in European and transnational dimension between 1919-1933

Ritter, Laszlo (Hungary): (Mis)perceiving Otherness: Images and Stereotypes of Hungary in British Intelligence Reports during World War II

Smidrkal, Vaclav (Czech Republic): The Cultural Policy of the Socialist Military: Shared Rudiments and National Conditionality

Commentary: Frank Hadler (Leipzig), Oldrich Tuma (Prague), Stefan Troebst (Leipzig)

13:30-16:00 Panel 3: Re-emerging diseases und die Mechanismen ihrer Kontrolle (Room 4.20)
Chair: Henriette Neef (Leipzig)

Henning Füller (Erlangen): Effekte der Emerging Disease World View. Hongkong unter einem veränderten Regime Globaler Gesundheitspolitik

Dominik Fischer (Bayreuth): Ausbreitungsmodellierung von Sandmücken (Überträger der Leishmaniose) - eine klimatisch abgeleitete Risikoabschätzung für Mitteleuropa

Andreas Hübner (Gießen): Vermessen, Ordnen, Kartographieren – Raumkonstruktionen und Möglichkeitsräume im kolonialen Louisiana

Henriette Neef (Leipzig): ‘Der Tiger ist los’? - Zum Be-grenzen und Ordnen von Dengue

17:00 Reception, Centre for Area Studies (Thomaskirchhof 20)

TUESDAY, 20 September 2011
10:00-12:00 (Room 4.20)
David A. Smith (Irvine): Publications of research results in the social sciences – workshop with David A. Smith (editor of INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE SOCIOLOGY)
Moderation: Matthias Middell (Leipzig)

13: 00-17:00 Panel 2b: East-Central Europe in Transnational Perspective, Section II (Room 4.20)
Chair: Anna Gorski (Leipzig)

Harustak, Igor (Bratislava): The Cultural Representation of the New World as a Dimension of Transnational History: The Representations of the New World, Slovaks Abroad and Slovak Emigration as a phenomemenon of modernity in Slovak press between 1880 – 1918/20

Musilova, Jana (Brno): “Triangle top“ – Turks in Prague?: 2nd and 3rd generation of turkish migrants panetrating to the states of former Soviet Block Economic History of the 20th Century: Turkey and the EEC in the 60´s 20th Century

Nathanael Kuck (Leipzig): Klasse und Nation – Weltordnungsvorstellungen und Subjektivitäten im kommunistischen Antikolonialismus anhand der Inprekorr

Fröhlich, Christian (Leipzig): Walking the Tightrope: Russian Disability NGOs between International donors and Domestic Politics

Commentary: Frank Hadler (Leipzig), Attila Pók (Budapest)

13: 00-17:00 Panel 4: Shifting boundaries and borders : Everyday responses (Room 4.12)
Chair: Peter Lambertz (Leipzig)

Britta Hecking (Leipzig): The Battle(s) of Youth? Everyday Life and Politics in Algiers

Felipe Rubio (Leipzig): Translocal Migrant Networks: Peruvian Pioneer Women in San Blas, Madrid

Peter Lambertz (Leipzig): Beautiful boundaries. Contested flower practices in a Japanese religious movement in Kinshasa

John Njenga Karugia (Leipzig): Language in Interaction: Chinese Migrants and Tanzanian Counterparts in Dar es Salaam

Commentary: Rose Marie Beck (Leipzig)

13: 00-17:00 Panel 5: Kreative Berufe in der Film- und Fernsehindustrie. Mediale Akteure und ihre Berufs- und Arbeitswelten zwischen Kommerzialisierung und Kultur (Room 4.14)
Chair: Juliane Scholz

Claus Tieber (Salzburg) A Story isn’t a story but a conference: Anmerkungen zu Organisation und Kontrolle von Kreativität am Beispiel Hollywoods

Sebastian Stoppe (Leipzig): Filmkomposition im Spannungsfeld zwischen Kunst und Kommerzialisierung

Meisterson, Heli (Leipzig): Von kulturellen Entwicklungshelfern zu Partnern auf gleicher Augenhöhe – die Rolle ausländischer Kulturinstitute in Estlands kulturpolitischem Transformationsprozess

Annegret Richter (Leipzig): Lets work for the Festivals – oder was macht ihr eigentlich das ganze Jahr über?

18:00 Guided City Tour (in German), Meeting Point: Karl-Heine-Str. 50 (Schaubühne Lindenfels)

WEDNESDAY, 21 September 2011
9:00-12:30 Panel 6: Austausch und Ritual im Kontext des transnationalen und interkulturellen Kontakts (Room 4.20)
Chair: Márcio da Cunha Vilar (Leipzig)

Henning Schwanke (Leipzig): Zwischen Staat und Bund. Rituale als Orte kulturelle Translation einer Fluchtkultur

Alp Yenen (Freiburg/Basel): Ein transnationales Netzwerk von Berufsrevolutionären: Die jungtürkische Exilpolitik (1918-1922)

Oleg Kappes (Mannheim): Rituale in der wissenschaftlichen Kommunikationskultur am Beispiel von Historiographien in gesellschaftlichen Umbruchphasen

Matthias Krämer (Augsburg): Transatlantischer Wissenstransfer. Nationale und internationale Orientierung in der deutschsprachigen Geschichtswissenschaft nach 1945
Commentary: Christoph Brumann (Halle)

9:00-12:30 Panel 7: Diasporas als Träger transnationaler Prozesse (Room 4.14)
Chair: Tamara Ganjalyan (Leipzig)

Melanie Eulitz (Leipzig): Die jüdisch-bucharische Diaspora

Adam Jarosz (Torun): Alltag Leben im Grenzraum. Polen im Landkreis Uecker-Randow

Commentary: Marian Burchardt (Leipzig)

09:00-12:30 Panel 8a: War Crime Tribunals and Dealing with the Past – Justice crossing the Border? (Room 4.12)
Chair: Katarina Ristic (Leipzig)

Sabine Willenberg (Jena): Klage um Klage statt Auge um Auge? – Zum vergangenheitspolitischen Potential der postjugoslawischen Genozid-Klagen vor dem Internationalen Gerichtshof

Michaela Zöhrer (Jena): „Zeugenschaft“ als transnationale Wissens-Praxis

Cindy Daase (Leipzig): Internationalised Peace agreements between State and Non-State Parties and Forms of Dispute Settlement International Arbitration: A New Mechanism to Settle Territorial Intra-State Disputes between States and Secessionist Movements?

Commentary: Helena Flam (Leipzig)

14:00-17:30 Panel 8b: War Crime Tribunals and Dealing with the Past – Justice crossing the Border? (Room 4.12)
Chair: Katarina Ristic (Leipzig)

Vladimir Petrovic (Belgrad): Memory at the Trial: Witnessing in ICTY

Vivien Sommer (Chemnitz): Transnationales Web-Gedächtnis? Der erinnerungskulturelle Online-Diskurs um den Demjanjuk-Prozess

Katarina Ristic (Leipzig): Memory of the Trial: Media discourses on war crime trials in former Yugoslavia

Commentary: Wolfgang Höpken (Leipzig)

14:00-17:30 Panel 9: Transnational Corporations, Nation-states and Effective Development Strategies (Room 4.14)
Chair: Sangeetha Parthasarathi

Renata Campos Motta (Berlin): The conflict over the genetically modified food policy: who can contest the risks?

Sebastian Battram (Leipzig): The Impact Of The EU Sugar Reform Policy On The ACP Countries

Sangeetha Parthasarathi (Leipzig): Role of Trans-national corporations in Food Security

Commentary: Maria Hidvegi (Leipzig)

19:00 come together Morizbastei

THURSDAY, 22 September 2011
9:00-12:30 Panel 10: In Market We Trust. International interactions between market, States and civil society reshaping the capitalist market system (room 4.12)
Chair: Marina Renault (Leipzig)

Valerio Verrea (Leipzig): The governance systems of Fair Trade

Johann Fortwengel (Berlin): Global Value Chains and Development Strategies: Institutionalizing Broad Upgrading

Alina Strugut (Leipzig) Sustainable Development: A Don Quijotean Pathway?

Commentary: Helena Flam (Leipzig)

13.00-14.00 Panel Discussion 1: (Room 4.20)
Chair: Frank Hadler (Leipzig)

14.00-15.00 Panel Discussion 2: (Room 4.20)
Chair: Matthias Middell (Leipzig)

Contact (announcement)

Martina Keilbach

Graduiertenzentrum Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften der Research Academy Leipzig
Emil-Fuchs-Str. 1, 04105 Leipzig


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