4th Flying University in Transnational Humanities "New Regionalisms"

4th Flying University in Transnational Humanities "New Regionalisms"

Research Institute of Comparative History and Cultre, Hanyang University, Seoul; Korea and Graduate Centre for Humanities and Social Sciences, Leipzig University
Seminar Building, Universitätsstr. 3-5, 04109 Leipzig
From - Until
16.09.2013 - 19.09.2013
Martina Keilbach

The fourth Flying University of Transnational Humanities (FUTH) is jointly organized by the Research Institute of Comparative History and Culture (RICH), Hanyang University, Seoul, together with the Graduate Centre for Humanities and Social Sciences of the Research Academy Leipzig and will take place at the Leipzig University, 16-19 September 2013, under the title of “New Regionalism.”

Thematic focus:
In the current process of globalization there are many challenges to what is often described as “the sovereign nation-state”, ranging from increased inter-state migration to the border-crossing effects of climate change, and from new forms of financial entanglements to transnational security threats. Since the end of the Cold War, “new regionalisms” have emerged in response to these challenges. These include state-driven attempts to foster regional integration and establish “more effective” regional institutions, or to find regional solutions to current political, economic and other problems. But the “new regionalisms” of the past two decades also include various formal and informal actors activities of non-state actors – companies, networks, NGOs, etc. – that usually operate in transnational environments as well as, sometimes, at micro-levels.


Monday, 16 September
9am Registration
10am Conference opening with an introduction from Jie-Hyun Lim (Hanyang University, Seoul) and Frank Hadler (GWZO/Leipzig University), organizers of the conference

10:30am Naoki Sakai, Cornell University, Ithaca: On Civilizational Transference: on the Discourse of the West and the Rest
Chair: Jie-Hyun Lim, Hanyang University, Seoul

12:30pm Lunch break

2pm-6:00pm Panel I – New Regionalisms and Subregions
Chair: Matthias Middell, Leipzig University

Kearrin Sims, University of Western Sydney: New (?) Geographies of a Rising Asia: The Greater Mekong Subregion

Frank Mattheis, Leipzig University: The regionalism of „non-regions“

Thomas Plötze, Leipzig University: Spatialization through securitization? New Regionalism in Central America

Commentary: Urmi Engineer, University of Pittsburgh, Matthias Middell, Leipzig University

2pm-6:00pm Panel II – New Regionalisms and the Political Right
Chair: Frank Henschel, Leipzig University

Matthew Wright, UCLA: Transnational Anti-Communism in Cold War East Asia

Phillip Karl, Andrássy University Budapest: New Regionalisms and the radical right in Central Europe. The case of Slovakia and Hungary

Ulrike Kaden, Leipzig University: Borders as Resources: Actors of Transnationalism in the German-Polish Border Region

Commentary: Frank Henschel, Leipzig University, Sabine Stach, Leipzig University

6pm Reception (Centre for Area Studies)

Tuesday, 17 September
9am-11am Peter Haslinger, Herder Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe, Marburg: Regions, Nations, Empires, Federations - state concepts and group identity in 20th century East Central and Southeast Europe
Chair: Frank Hadler, GWZO/Leipzig University

11:30am-1pm Round table discussion with Ulf Engel, Jie-Hyun Lim, Matthias Middell, Ana Ribeiro, Naoki Sakai and Stefanie Wodrig

1pm-2pm Lunch break

2pm-6:00pm Panel III – Actors of and Events for New Regionalisms
Chair: Ninja Steinbach-Hüther, Leipzig University

Stefan Hübner, Universität der Bundeswehr München/ Jacobs University Bremen: Building Asian Nations through Sports Events

Robert Kramm-Masaoka, ETH Zürich: Hi, GI, want pretty flower girl?“ Prostitution, Sanitation, and Colonial Legacy in Occupied Japan and Postcolonial Korea, c. 1945-1953

Giulia Dal Maso, University of Western Sydney: New regionalism in financial education: Chinese returnees from Australia in the Shanghai financial market

Commentary: Jie-Hyun Lim, Hanyang University, Seoul, Ninja Steinbach-Hüther, Leipzig University

2pm-5:30pm Panel IV – New Regionalisms and Regulation
Chair: Antje Dietze, Leipzig University

Won Cho, Hanyang University, Seoul: The Conquest and the Adaptation: The Mongol Rule through Dispatching the Darughachi in the East Asia

Jenny Wang Medina, Columbia University:
Present Past: Contextualizing Historical Fiction in 21st Century Korean Literature, Film, and Television

Jaekyom Shim, FU Berlin: Purification of Gayo (歌謠淨化): Regulation on ‘Vulgar’ Songs in Korea, 1945-1961

Commentary: Antje Dietze, Leipzig University, Frank Hadler, Leipzig University

Wednesday, 18 September
9am-11am Diana Mishkova, Centre for Advanced Study, Sofia: The Balkans as Historical Space: Contemporary Lessons from an 'Old' Regionalism
Chair: Stefan Troebst, GWZO/Leipzig University

11:30am-1pm Panel V – The Economic Perspective of New Regionalisms
Chair: Felix Müller, Leipzig University

Ute Rietdorf, Leipzig University: Mobile Money. New Economic Regionalisms in Theoretical Perspective

Megan Campbell/Richard Adu-Gyamfi, Leipzig University: Pursuing Economic Zones and Free Trade Agreements in a Regional Context; Paradoxes and Intricacies

Commentary: Felix Müller, Leipzig University, Julia Oheim, Leipzig University

1pm-2pm Lunch break

2pm - 6pm Panel VI - New Regionalisms: Security and Development
Chair: Jie-Hyun Lim, Hanyang University, Seoul

Nicholas Dietrich, Leipzig University: Regulation of Transnational Crime in Africa

Stefanie Wodrig, Kiel University: Intervention regionalism in East and Southern Africa

Gilad Ben-Nun, Leipzig University: From Aleppo to Musa-Dagh: a century of minorities' exile across the Syrian - Turkish border

Wenke Krestin, Leipzig University: Developmental Discourses in North Africa

Commentary: Lena Heinze, Leipzig University, Ulf Engel, Leipzig University, Gilad Ben-Nun, Leipzig University

2pm-6pm Panel VII – New Regionalisms and Globalisation
Chair: Marina Renault, Leipzig University

Ana Ribeiro, Leipzig University: Shifts in wealth, power and cooperation patterns in the lusophone world within evolving global patterns

Bianca Marina Mitu, University of Bucharest: Global Frameworks, Local realities: Media and Migration

Michal Vit, Leipzig University: Influence of the EU Administrative Division on Political Parties in Region Kłodzko (PL) and Jeseníky Mountains (CZ)

Claudia Baumann, Leipzig University: New Regionalisms in Higher Education

Commentary: Marina Renault, Leipzig University, Marie Müller-Zetzsche, Leipzig University, Stefan Troebst, Leipzig University

Thursday, 19 September
9am-11 am Guido Franzinetti, Università del Piemonte Orientale, Alessandria: The Rediscovery of the South: Southern Europe as a re-emerging category
Chair: Stefan Troebst, GWZO/Leipzig University

11:30am-1pm Concluding discussion
1pm Farewell Lunch

Contact (announcement)

Graduate Centre Humanities and Social Sciences, Leipzig University
Martina Keilbach
Emil-Fuchs-Str. 1
D-04105 Leipzig


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