The Yearbook of Transnational History is inviting scholars to submit articles for its inaugural volume to be published in spring 2018.
The Yearbook of Transnational History is a newly established peer-reviewed annual to be published by Fairleigh Dickinson University Press/Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group. This annual is dedicated to publishing and disseminating pioneering research in the field of transnational history to an international audience.
Undertaking transnational history means breaking free from national paradigms. The concept of transnational history is built upon the premise that historical processes, their causes, and their consequences are not contained within nations. The transnational approach attempts to recover history as a global experience and as a universal project. It is based on the realization that humans have always lived in an interconnected world. Instead of researching and writing the history of particular phenomena within the confines of any given nation state, the paradigm of transnational history encourages historians to follow trends, events, and people in all directions that they went. Transnational history is, thus, focused on the circulation of notions, images, things, living beings, capital, and practices across various cultures and societies around the globe and the creation/disruption of relations and spaces that shape the perception and reality of individuals.
The Yearbook of Transnational History will be open to contributions that fit this agenda. Articles considered for inclusion will follow human and non-human historical protagonists in various geographic settings and recreate the transnational configurations that have been obscured by the national history paradigm.
We welcome articles from both professionals and advanced PhD students that are based upon original research on a broad range in both spatial and topical terms from the modern era (i.e. eighteenth to the twentieth century). Articles should be between 7,000 and 10,000 words long (including footnotes) and follow Chicago Style.
Submissions should be emailed to the editor, Professor Thomas Adam, by November 1, 2016 to be considered for inclusion in the first volume. Please ensure that you have included all relevant contact information on a separate page, including your name, your professional or institutional affiliation, and a permanent e-mail address.