Thursday, 6 October
Venue: SFB 1199, Strohsackpassage, Nikolaistraße 6-10, 5th floor
3:00 pm: Registration and Welcome Coffee
3:30 pm: Welcome and Introduction
Ursula Rao (Leipzig)
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm: Session 1: Methodological and Conceptual Approaches
Chair: Ursula Rao (Leipzig)
Ute Wardenga (Leipzig), Spatialization, spatial orders and spatial formats: Discussing central terms of the SFB
Matthias Middell (Leipzig), Spatial formats and the transformation of the world during the 19th century
Judith Miggelbrink (Leipzig), Assemblages as a conceptual tool to identify spatial formats?
7:00 pm: Evening Keynote Lecture
Venue: InterCityHotel Leipzig, Tröndlinring 2
Bob Jessop (Lancaster), Spatio-temporal fixes and multi-spatial metagovernance
Introduction and Moderation: Sebastian Lentz (Leipzig)
Friday, 7 October
Venue: InterCityHotel Leipzig, Tröndlinring 2
9:00 am - 11:00 am: Session 2: International Relations and Geopolitics
Chair: Nikolas Broy (Leipzig)
Ulf Engel (Leipzig), Regionalisms in Africa
Heidrun Zinecker (Leipzig), Geopolitics and territory: Taboos and myths
Gilad Ben-Nun (Verona), The birth of ‘international space’: The example of UNHCR’s Executive Committee (ExCom) establishment
11:30 am - 12:45 pm: Keynote Lecture (via Skype)
Glenda Sluga (Sydney), Seeking out international spaces, 1900–1990 Introduction and Moderation: Maren Möhring (Leipzig)
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm: Session 3: Geography and Cartography
Chair: Ninja Steinbach-Hüther (Leipzig)
Gustav E. Visser (Stellenbosch), The origin and growth of geography as a discipline at South African universities: Early 1900s to 2016
Sebastian Lentz/ Jana Moser (Leipzig), Visualizing globalization – In search for a typology
Session 4: Urban Spaces and Portals of Globalization
Chair: Antje Dietze (Leipzig)
Bernd Belina (Frankfurt/Main), The urban form and some spatial forms that form the urban
Geert Castryck (Leipzig), Disentangling the city: Positioning imperial cities, metropolitan cities, colonial cities and settler cities in colonial Africa and Europe
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm: Session 5: Empire, Nation State and Bloc
Chair: Adam Jones (Leipzig)
Holger Weiß (Turku), Hamburg Rothesoodstrasse 8 – Global space and non-place?
Frank Hadler/ Uwe Müller (Leipzig), The Eastern bloc and the global Cold War: A spatial format in a spatial order?
Steffi Marung (Leipzig), From empire to nation? The transformation of empires, decolonization and the proliferation of spatial formats
Saturday, 8 October
Venue: InterCityHotel Leipzig, Tröndlinring 2
9:00 am - 11:00 am: Session 6: Economic Spaces and Commodity Chains
Chair: Katja Werthmann (Leipzig)
Marc Boeckler (Frankfurt/Main), Global territories and contemporary supply chain capitalism
Sarah Ruth Sippel (Leipzig), Commodity chains as “spatial formats”? Conceptual perspectives
Hannes Warnecke-Berger (Leipzig), The spatial turn and economics: Emerging transnational space economies as spatial formats
11:30 am - 1:00 pm: Concluding Roundtable
Making Sense of a Turbulent Present: The Debate about Spatial Formats at Times of Brexit and Refugee Drisis
Chair: Ulf Engel
Discussants: Marc Boeckler, Bob Jessop, Matthias Middell, Judith Miggelbrink