November 6, 2017
Venue: Saxon Academy of Sciences (SAW), Leipzig
Opening of the Conference
5:00 – 5:30 pm
Introduction by the Organisers: Sebastian Lentz (Leipzig), Gabriele Freitag (Berlin)
5:30 – 7:00 pm
Keynote Lecture: Nikolaus Katzer (Moscow), (in German)„Wo Russland steht. Ein Blick in Schulbücher und Angebote der Public History“ (“Playing East and West. Russia‘s Self-Positioning in School Textbooks and Public History“)
Discussion Moderation: Peter Haslinger (Marburg)
7:00 pm
November 7, 2017
Venue: Leibniz Institute for the History and Culture of Eastern Europe (GWZO), LeipzigPart I: “External and Self-Positioning in Globalisation Processes“
9 – 10:30 am
Stephanie Zloch (Braunschweig): The Role of Migration Processes in the Self-Positioning of Eastern European Societies: A Comparative Analysis of Polish, Czech and Russian Textbooks
Tamás Hardi / Andrea Miklosné-Zadar (Budapest): Where do We Belong and Where do They Belong to? Research on Spatial Concepts in Eight Central and Eastern European Countries
Rune Brandt-Larsen (Lund): Interpretations of a Common Past - History Textbooks in Belarus, Lithuania, Poland, and Ukraine
Chair: tbc
Part II: “Self-Presentations in School Textbooks”
11 – 12:30 pm
Péter Bagoly Simo (Berlin): The West in the East: Self-Representation of Selected Former Socialist European Countries by Means of Geography Education
Volodymyr Poltorak (Odesa): Lower Danube Region, Culture and History: As it is represented in Ukrainian, Moldovan, Romanian, Bulgarian and Russian Textbooks
Svitlana Potapenko (Kiev): The Golden Age ofUkraine? Cossacks in Modern Ukrainian School Curricula and TextbooksChair: Marcus Otto (Braunschweig)
Part III: “Conceptions of Space“
1:30 – 3:00 pm
Péter Balogh (Budapest): Spatial Concepts and Self-Presentations in Hungarian School Textbooks
Oleksandr Zabirko (Münster): Legal History as a Challenge. The Representations of Space, Nation, and Legal Order in the Textbooks on the „History of State and Law of Ukraine“.
Jörg Stadelbauer (Freiburg): Nihil nisi bene – Deutsch-sowjetische Schulbuchgespräche über Geographie in den 1980er Jahren
Chair: Sebastian Lentz (Leipzig)
3:00 – 4:00 pm
Final Remarks and Conclusions
Comment: Sebastian Lentz
Moderation: Gabriele Freitag