The conference provides the platform for PhD candidates and young researchers working on the subject of censorship in non-democratic regimes in the 20th century to engage in a transdisciplinary dialogue, to draw comparisons and parallels, and to contribute to the current theoretical debates. Given that the subject of censorship in cultural domain has been largely covered by the academic publications, the discussions for our conference will rather focus on the subject of the production, circulation and consumption of the information.
In this context the following questions could be raised, but not limited to:
Section 1: Methodological problems
It aims at studying the variety of terms (censorship, control, regulation, limited circulation, etc.) and the way they are used. It will include analyses of theoretical and archival instruments adapted when studying censorship, self-censorship, workarounds, etc., as well as of the difficulties related to this kind of analysis.
Section 2: Actors and mechanisms
Who are the actors targeted by censorship depending on historical, political and geographical contexts? Are they always aware of being subjects to censorship? And if they are not, are they able to reinforce it? What are the exact mechanisms of censorship, the ways to escape it, as well the factors that influence these processes? To what extent is it possible to speak of the final product (a literary work, a text, a manifest, etc.) as of the result of co-production?
Section 3: Censorship and circulation of the information
The processes of production and circulation of the information are indissolubly linked to their political, economic and cultural contexts, as well as to the processes of transfers and circulation of the information on the international scale. How is the circulated information influenced and transformed in various milieus it is passing through? What are the geopolitical and symbolic borders crossed as a result of those circulations? What are the mechanisms of censorship and appropriation applied to the transferred information?
Organizing committee:
Yuqing Qiu, Anna Shapovalova, Anna Sidorevich
Scientific board:
Olga Bronnikova (Université Grenoble Alpes), Sabine Dullin (CHSP, Sciences Po), Marc Lazar (CHSP, Sciences Po), Isabelle Thireau (EHESS, CNRS)
The application of 4000 signs maximum (in French or in English) and short CV are to be emailed to before July 10, 2020.
The results of the selection will be communicated by July 24, 2020.
All selected candidates are kindly asked to email the texts of their presentations (from 20 000 to 40 000 sings) to the organizing committee before August 24, 2020.
Practical information:
Languages of the conference: French and English
Place of the conference: Sciences Po, Paris.
Given the current health crisis, the conference might be partially held via video-conference.