Prof. Dr. Juergen Zimmerer

Universität Hamburg

Recent articles

Konf: Confronting the colonial past! ‚Askari‘, Lettow-Vorbeck and Hamburg’s entangled (post-)colonial legacies
Forschungsstelle "Hamburgs (post-)koloniales Erbe, Prof. Dr. Jürgen Zimmerer, Universität Hamburg, Fachbereich Geschichte, Arbeitsbereich Globalgeschichte
Hamburg 28.02.2018 - 02.03.2018

CFP: Confronting the colonial past! “Askari”, Lettow-Vorbeck and Hamburg’s entangled (post-)colonial legacies
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Zimmerer, Fakultät für Geisteswissenschaften, Universität Hamburg
Hamburg 28.02.2018 - 02.03.2018

CFA: Hamburg: Deutschlands Tor zur kolonialen Welt. (Post-)koloniale Erinnerungsorte der Hansestadt
Forschungsstelle "Hamburgs post-)koloniales Erbe/ Hamburg und die frühe Globalisierung", Prof. Dr. Jürgen Zimmerer, Hamburg
Hamburg 15.04.2016

Konf: 3rd Global Conference on Genocide
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Zimmerer, International Network of Genocide Scholars (INoGS)
San Francisco 28.06.2012 - 01.07.2012

Zs: Journal of Genocide Research 13 (2011), 1/2

CFP: CfP: Dutch Decolonisation: Journal of Genocide Research
Journal of Genocide Research
Hamburg 31.05.2011

Zs: Journal of Genocide Research 12 (2010), 3/4

Zs: Journal of Genocide Research 12 (2010), 1/2

Konf: 1st Global Conference on Genocide. The Future of Prevention
The Centre for the Study of Genocide and Mass Violence at the University of Sheffield/UK in cooperation with the International Network of Genocide Scholars (INoGS)
Sheffield 09.01.2009 - 12.01.2009

CFP: Revisiting the "Heart of Darkness". Colonialism, Ethnicity and Mass Violence in the African Great Lakes Region 15 years after the Rwandan Genocide
Centre for the Study of Genocide and Mass Violence/University of Sheffield (a joint project with the Department of History, University of Heidelberg)
Sheffield, UK 20.07.2008

Konf: War, Genocide and Memory. German Colonialism and National Identity
Convenors: Juergen Zimmerer/Michael Perraudin Workshop of the Arbeitskreis Militärgeschichte e.V., in cooperation with the Department of Germanic Studies, Department of History, Centre for Nineteenth-Century Studies and Humanities Research Institute, University of Sheffield, the Nordic Africa Institute, Uppsala, and the International Network of Genocide Scholars (INOGS)
Sheffield 11.09.2006 - 13.09.2006

CFP: German Imperial Biographies: Soldiers, Scientists, and Officials and the "Arendt Thesis"
Eric D. Weitz, University of Minnesota Jürgen Zimmerer, University of Sheffield
Washington DC 04.05.2006

CFP: Genocide: Forms-Causes-Consequences
Juergen Zimmerer/ Jan-Bart Gewald / Andreas Eckert <>
Berlin 13.01.2005 - 15.01.2005