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    Rev. by Thorben Pelzer, Research Centre Global Dynamics, Leipzig University
    • Carnino, Guillaume; Hilaire-Pérez, Liliane; Lamy, Jérôme (Hrsg.): Global History of Techniques:. (Nineteenth to Twenty-First Centuries), Turnhout 2024
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    Rev. by Constanze Blum, Research Institute Social Cohesion (RISC), Leipzig University
    • Nnodim, Paul; Okigbo, Austin (Hrsg.): Ubuntu. A Comparative Study of an African Concept of Justice, Leuven 2024
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    Rev. by Steven L. B. Jensen, The Danish Institute for Human Rights, Copenhagen
    • Weitz, Eric D.: A World Divided. The Global Struggle for Human Rights in the Age of Nation-States, Princeton 2019
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    Rev. by Benedikt Stuchtey, Philipps-Universität Marburg
    • Brückenhaus, Daniel: Policing Transnational Protest. Liberal Imperialism and the Surveillance of Anticolonialists in Europe, 1905–1945, New York 2017
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    Rev. by Stephanie Zehnle, Lehrstuhl für Außereuropäische Geschichte, Universität Duisburg-Essen
    • Habermas, Rebekka: Skandal in Togo. Ein Kapitel deutscher Kolonialherrschaft, Frankfurt am Main 2016
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    Rev. by Megan Campbell, Universität Leipzig
    • Urry, John: Offshoring. , Cambridge 2014
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    Rev. by Christiane Wienand, Department of German, University College London
    • Brunner, José; Goschler, Constantin; Frei, Norbert (Hrsg.): Die Globalisierung der Wiedergutmachung. Politik, Moral, Moralpolitik, Göttingen 2013
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    Rev. by Gilad Ben-Nun, Universität Leipzig
    • Orford, Anne: International Authority and the Responsibility to Protect. , Cambridge 2011
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    Rev. by William Michael Schmidli, Bucknell University
    • Hoffmann, Stefan-Ludwig (Hrsg.): Human Rights in the Twentieth Century. , Cambridge 2011
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    Rev. by Marina Kaneti, New School for Social Research, New York
    • Sadiq, Kamal: Paper Citizens. How Illegal Immigrants Acquire Citizenship in Developing Countries, Oxford 2008