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    Rev. by Susanne Lachenicht, Universität Bayreuth
    • Canny, Nicholas; Morgan, Philip (Hrsg.): The Oxford Handbook of the Atlantic World, 1450-1850. , Oxford 2011
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    Rev. by Akiko Sugiyama, Department of History, University of Macau
    • Lockard, Craig: Southeast Asia in World History. , New York 2009
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    Rev. by Karen Bouwer, University of San Francisco
    • Likaka, Osumaka: Naming Colonialism. History and Collective Memory in the Congo, 1870-1960, Madison 2009
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    Rev. by Ricardo Salvatore, Departamento de Historia, Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, Buenos Aires
    • Brands, Hal: Latin America's Cold War. , Cambridge 2010
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    Rev. by Martin Walter, Institute for American Studies, Universität Leipzig
    • Mazower, Mark: No Enchanted Palace. The End of Empire and the Ideological Origins of the United Nations, Princeton 2009
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    Rev. by Jacob Eyferth, University of Chicago
    • Karl, Rebecca E.: Mao Zedong and China in the Twentieth-Century World. A Concise History, Durham 2010
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    Rev. by Werner Bührer, School of Education, Technische Universität München
    • Barrass, Gordon S.: The Great Cold War. A Journey Through the Hall of Mirrors, Stanford CA 2009
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    Rev. by Georg Fischer, Freie Universität Berlin / Yale University
    • Dávila, Jerry: Hotel Trópico. Brazil and the Challenge of African Decolonization, 1950-1980, Durham 2010
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    Rev. by Barbara Reeves-Elllington, Siena College, Loudonville, NY
    • Tyrrell, Ian: Reforming the World. The Creation of America's Moral Empire, Princeton 2010
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    Rev. by Sandra Chaney, Erskine College, Due West, South Carolina
    • McNeill, J. R.; Unger, Corinna R. (Hrsg.): Environmental Histories of the Cold War. , New York 2010
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    Rev. by Sünne Juterczenka, Universität Rostock
    • Schaffer, Simon; Roberts, Lissa; Raj, Kapil; Delbourgo, James (Hrsg.): The Brokered World. Go-Betweens and Global Intelligence, 1770-1820, Sagamore Beach 2009
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    Rev. by Stefan Troebst, Geisteswissenschaftliches Zentrum Geschichte und Kultur Ostmitteleuropas (GWZO) an der Universität Leipzig
    • Snyder, Timothy: Bloodlands. Europe Between Hitler And Stalin, New York 2010
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    Rev. by Jürgen Osterhammel, Fachbereich Geschichte, Universität Konstanz
    • Hillemann, Ulrike: Asian Empire and British Knowledge. China and the Networks of British Imperial Expansion, Basingstoke 2009
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    Rev. by Thomas Benjamin, Department of History, Central Michigan University
    • Falola, Toyin; Roberts, Kevin D. (Hrsg.): The Atlantic World, 1450-2000. , Bloomington 2008
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    Rev. by Klaas Dykmann, Roskilde University
    • Reinalda, Bob (Hrsg.): Routledge History of International Organizations. From 1815 to the Present Day, New York 2009
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    Rev. by Maegan Hendow, Leipzig
    • Lancaster, Carol: Foreign Aid. Diplomacy, Development, Domestic Politics, Chicago 2007
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    Rev. by Barbara Lüthi, Universität Basel
    • McKeown, Adam: Melancholy Order. Asian Migration and the Globalization of Borders, New York 2008
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    Rev. by Torsten Loschke, Global and European Studies Institute, Universität Leipzig
    • Taffet, Jeffrey: Foreign Aid as Foreign Policy. The Alliance for Progress in Latin America, New York 2007
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    Rev. by Isabella Löhr, Historisches Seminar, Universität Heidelberg
    • Sagafi-Nejad, Tagi; Dunning, John H.: The UN and Transnational Corporations. From Code of Conduct to Global Compact, Indiana 2008
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    Rev. by Rainer F. Buschmann, Department of History, Purdue University
    • Fernandéz-Armesto, Felipe: Pathfinders. A Global History of Exploration, New York 2007