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    Rev. by Thorben Pelzer, Research Centre Global Dynamics, Leipzig University
    • Carnino, Guillaume; Hilaire-Pérez, Liliane; Lamy, Jérôme (Hrsg.): Global History of Techniques:. (Nineteenth to Twenty-First Centuries), Turnhout 2024
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    Rev. by Gabriele Balbi, Institute of Media and Journalism, Università della Svizzera italiana, Lugano
    • Hampf, M. Michaela; Müller-Pohl, Simone (Hrsg.): Global Communication Electric. Business, News and Politics in the World of Telegraphy, Frankfurt am Main 2013
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    Rev. by Hutkova Karolina, University of Warwick
    • Prak, Maarten; Luiten van Zanden, Jan (Hrsg.): Technology, Skills and the Pre-Modern Economy in the East and the West. , Leiden 2013
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    Rev. by Beat Stüdli, Historisches Seminar, Universität Basel
    • Eck, Jean-François; Martens, Stefan; Schirmann, Sylvain: L'économie, l'argent et les hommes. Les relations franco-allemandes de 1871 à nos jours, Paris 2009
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    Rev. by Klaas Dykmann, Institut for Samfund og Globalisering, Roskilde University
    • Murphy, Craig N.; Yates, JoAnne: The International Organization for Standardization. Global Governance Through Voluntary Consensus, London 2008