GUHP Seminars on "Cities, Empires, and their (Dis)Contents" February, March 2022

GUHP Seminars on "Cities, Empires, and their (Dis)Contents" February/March 2022

Global Urban History Project
United States
Vom - Bis
11.02.2022 - 18.03.2022
Connections Redaktion, Leipzig Research Centre Global Dynamics, Universität Leipzig

This is a call for applications for an online seminar series in the Global Urban History Project (GUHP) from the team that coordinates the onversation on “Cities, Empires, and their (Dis)Contents.” This inaugural series of public seminars will run from mid-February to mid-March 2022. The track team representing a broad range of sub-specializations in global history, urban history, and the history of empires.

GUHP Seminars on "Cities, Empires, and their (Dis)Contents" February/March 2022

Fridays, February 11, February 25, March 11, and March 18, 12:30-14:00 UTC

INAUGURAL EVENTS IN GUHP's "Dream Conversation" on "Cities, Empires, and their (Dis)Contents"

This is a call for applications for an online seminar series in the Global Urban History Project (GUHP) from the team that coordinates the Conversation on “Cities, Empires, and their (Dis)Contents.” This inaugural series of public seminars will run from mid-February to mid-March 2022. The track team representing a broad range of sub-specializations in global history, urban history, and the history of empires. We invite advanced doctoral students and junior and senior scholars to present work in progress relating to the broad range of themes at the core of GUHP/Empire.

GUHP/Empire track description: A fascinating and impactful development in the fields of empire studies and colonialism in the past decade or so has been the rise of interest in inter- and trans-imperial and -colonial histories. Far transcending an older interest in competition and conflict between empires, these histories study a wide range of relationships between empires’ governments and peoples. Filling empirical lacunas, this scholarship pushes back against and goes beyond what one may call “methodological empire-ism:” historians’ well-established (and ultimately politically rooted) tendency to study single empires.

This historiographic development one focus of our conversation, titled “Cities, Empire, and its (Dis)contents, c. 1500-2000.” Our central question is: how do inter-, trans-, post-, and comparative imperial case studies of “the global urban” fit into, question, complicate, and/or further the afore-noted historiographic development, and vice versa? Possible examples are: anti-colonial & decolonizing networks, methods & memories; inter-city competitions and hierarchies; inter-municipal relationships; compared urban “citizenship”; cities dia- or synchronically governed by multiple empires; internationally governed cities; and compared ambivalences, e.g. cities as sites of peak resistance and repression or of great imperial confidence and doubt.

We as warmly welcome other submissions and themes that correspond to the conversation title, too, including case studies and conceptual texts that connect imperial cases of the “global urban” to other bourgeoning scholarly concerns. Possible examples include, but by no means are limited to: cities as disconnectors; colonialism and/versus settler colonialism; urban-rural relations (where “is” the city?); environmental dimensions; and, most broadly: how to (not) square “the global” and “the imperial” through the lens of cities.

Format: Papers do not need to be pre-circulated. Presentations should be max. 30 minutes long, to allow for an hour of Q&A. The GUHP track members will participate, too, including the track’s present “mentees,” who are advanced doctoral students and freshly minted PhDs who are now postdocs.

Application mode: Apply by 20 January 2022 to Include a presentation title, a 100-200 word abstract, a short CV, and a note stating which of the four dates do not work for you.

Cities, Empires, and Their (Dis)Contents Coordinators:

Contact: Cyrus Schayegh,

Geert Castryck
Camille Cordier
Kristie P Flannery
Anindita Ghosh
Stephen Legg
Su Lin Lewis
Dries Lyna
Joseph Prestel
Anna Ross


Cyrus Schayegh,