This is to be a major, international conference, honoring the life and work of Andre Gunder Frank, a pioneer in global analysis in history and social science. He died at age 76 in April 2005 after more than fifty years of prodigious output in economic and social analysis of global interaction. The conference will gather the major scholars with whom Frank has worked and debated, to remember his contribution, to take stock, and to identify future directions of study. It also provides encouragement for scholars of all ages and disciplines to take the next steps in debate and documentation of these key social issues.
Featured Speakers:
- Giovanni Arrighi
- Christopher Chase-Dunn
- Barry K. Gills
- Kenneth Pomeranz
- Anibal Quijano
- Kaoru Sugihara
- Immanuel Wallerstein.
Conference Topics - The conference is organized with attention to (but not limited to) the following six topical areas of Gunder Frank's writings:
1. Underdevelopment and dependency in Latin America.
2. World accumulation and world system.
3. 5000-year world system.
4. East Asia in the World Economy.
5. Social Movements.
6. Contemporary political and economic analysis.
Deadline for Proposals: October 1, 2007. Submit proposals electronically to:
Form of Proposals:
- Author's name, address (postal & e-mail), and institutional affiliation.
- Paper title.
- Abstract (250 words).
- Author's biography (up to 150 words).
- Options: feel free to suggest additional topics or panels; proposals from graduate students are encouraged.
For all conference issues contact Conference Coordinator Erin
McGrath at
Conference website:
Conference Registration:
Registration fee: U.S. $40 for general registration; U.S. $20 for students. Certain plenary sessions will be open to the general public.
Travel and Lodging. The Pittsburgh International Airport is served by USAirways and numerous other airlines. There is a direct and regular connection by city bus to the University of Pittsburgh campus and conference hotels. Lodging at moderate rates will be available at hotels close to the University of Pittsburgh campus.
Conference Committee and Sponsorship:
- Patrick Manning (University of Pittsburgh), Director
- Barry K. Gills (University of Newcastle), Co-Director
- John Beverley (University of Pittsburgh)
- Thomas Rawski (University of Pittsburgh)
- Salvatore Babones (University of Pittsburgh)
- Erin McGrath, Conference Coordinator
The conference is supported by a GAP (Global Academic Partnership) grant from the Global Studies Program at the University of Pittsburgh.
On Andre Gunder Frank: for biographical and bibliography, see