The Birth of a Global Society. Circulation of Knowledge, Goods and People between Europe and Asia

The Birth of a Global Society. Circulation of Knowledge, Goods and People between Europe and Asia

Department of History, Tsinghua University
Humanities and Social Sciences Library of Tsinghua University
Beijing (China)
From - Until
21.04.2012 -
Christine Howald

Since the opening of the Silk Road between the East and the West or Marco Polo’s trips to China in the XIIIth century, Asia and Europe are closely connected via an economic and intercultural exchange. Their relations started long before the “era of globalization” but could since the beginning of all interaction be considered as a start for the creation of a global society and of the shaping of a world trans-culturally connected.

This conference aims to trace and analyze the history of contacts, transfers and exchanges between Asia and Europe and to point out differences as well as similarities in the development of a modern society. Socio-cultural aspects will be discussed as well as economic issues.

The conference brings scholars from Asia and Europe together to discuss the differences between Chinese and European historiography as well as their major lacks and challenges. The conference aims to use a trans-national approach to explain how local history is connected into a more general framework.

It is organized by the Department of History of the Tsinghua University in collaboration with the European Delegation China.

The conference language will be English.


9.00 – 9.10 Welcome note Prof. LIU Beicheng (Dean of the Department of History, Tsinghua University)

9.10 – 9.20 Welcome note by Jacques DE SOYRES (EURAXESS Links China)

9.20 – 9.30 Opening speech Manuel PEREZ GARCIA (Department of History, Tsinghua University)

9.30 – 10.30 Panel 1
Between confrontation and support: the perception of European military action in China

Chair: Christine HOWALD (Department of History, Tsinghua University)

1. José Eugenio BORAO (Department of Foreign Languages, Taiwan National University):
Renaissance Fortresses in the Far East: The Case of Taiwan

2. Ines EBEN VON RACKNITZ (Department of History, Nanjing University):
The looting and the burning of the Yuanming yuan: Chinese perceptions of Western diplomacy and military technology during the Second Opium War in 1860.

10.30 – 10.40 Coffee break

10.40 – 12.10 Panel 2
West meets East: European life in China from early modern times until today

Chair: NAKAJIMA Gakusho (Department of Asian History, Kyushu University)

1. Lucio de SOUSA (Historiographical Institute, University of Tokyo):
The Jewish Diaspora in China in the 16th century (New Sources and Perspectives)

2. Christine HOWALD (Department of History, Tsinghua University):
Conspicuous consumption: European daily life and consumer behaviour in 19th century China

3. Sara STERLING (Institute of Economics, Tsinghua University):
Globalization and Negotiation—Language, Bargaining and Communication amongst European Education Migrants in Beijing’s Silk Market

12.10 – 12.15 Conference Picture (in front of the library)

12.15 – 14.00 Lunch

14.00 – 15.30 Panel 3
By land and by sea: entrepreneurship and management in Asia

Chair: LONG Denggao (Institute of Economics, Tsinghua University)

1. YAMAZAKI Takeshi (Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University):
Fishery and Maritime Border in Pre-modern East Asia

2. WANG Shuo (Department of History, Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg):
Merchants in late imperial China

3. ZHAO Liang (Institute of Economics, Tsinghua University):
Land Right Transactions, Allocation of Resources and Social Mobility: A case study on the land transactions of Fan family in 19th century Taiwan

15.30 – 15.40 Coffee break

15.40 – 17.10 Panel 4
Socio-economic transfers in Asia and Europe: consumers, goods and traders

Chair: ZHANG Tao (Department of History, Tsinghua University)

1. David LARREINA GARCIA (Institute of Ancient Metallurgy and Materials, University of Science and Technology Beijing):
The Silk Road before the era of trade: Intercultural Exchange between East and West at the Tarim Basin.

2. LI Zhang (School of Economics and Management, Beihang University):
Analysis of Historical Information on Foreign Trade in Dream of the Red Chamber

3. Manuel PEREZ GARCIA (Department of History, Tsinghua University):
When the ‘Dragon’ Started to Roar: Consumption of Chinese Goods in Europe and the Expansion of Asian Trade (XVIIIth-XIXth Centuries)

17.10 – 17.40 Final discussion

17.40 – 18.00 Outlook on further cooperation and partnership

18.00 Dinner

Contact (announcement)

Christine Howald

Department of History, Tsinghua University, Beijing (China)

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