The 7th Graduate Conference in European History (GRACEH) is inviting graduate students and young researchers to reflect on the rather ambiguous relationship historians entertain with the category of “space.”
We are welcoming abstracts which interrogate the various understandings of space, those which present new methodological approaches to the topic, and case studies which are placed within a wider theoretical context. Possible topics include, but are not limited to the following:
1. Historians and Space: methodological and theoretical approaches
2. Representations of space
3. Going Global: linking local, regional, national, transnational history
4. Symbolic geography and cultural spaces: for example ‘Europe’, ‘Central Europe’, ‘Southeast Europe’ or the ‘Balkans’, the ‘Levant’, the ‘Orient’, etc.
5. The spatial constitution of politics: empires and nation states (territoriality, kinship)
6. Economic history: world systems, ‘core’ and ‘periphery’, ‘backwardness’
7. Spatial dimensions of everyday life: approaching gender, ethnicity, class, religion
8. Urban spaces (morphology, planning; spaces of production, consumption and exchange, urban/rural divides)
9. Geographies of knowledge: production and transfers
10. Space and Memory
11. Digital technologies and tools for writing spatial history, visualizations, Geographical Information Systems
The working language of the conference will be English. There is no participation fee and travel grants are available on a competitive basis. Please send an abstract of no more than 400 words and a brief CV to graceh[at] by January 20, 2013. Full papers will be pre-circulated and grouped into thematic panels of 3 to 4 contributions. We would like to ask all participants to prepare a presentation of no more than 15 minutes, in order to allow ample time for discussion and questions. Final papers are due on March 31, 2013.
Confirmed keynote speakers:
Prof. Zynep Celik is a specialist in architecture and urban history at the College of Architecture and Design at New Jersey Institute of Technology.
Prof. Michael Harbsmeier is teaching and researching cultural encounters and the sociology of science at the Department of Culture and Identity at Roskilde University, Denmark.
For the complete CFP and more information on the conference please visit: