1919. The Paris Peace Conference and the Challenge of a New World Order

1919. The Paris Peace Conference and the Challenge of a New World Order

Deutsches Historisches Institut (Paris); Universität Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne; Centre de recherche du château de Versailles mit Unterstützung des französischen Ministeriums für Europa und auswärtige Angelegenheiten, der UMR SIRICE, der Fritz Thyssen Stiftung, des LabEx Écrire une histoire nouvelle de l’Europe, der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, des Deutschen Historischen Instituts London und der Mission du centenaire de la Première Guerre mondiale
Vom - Bis
05.06.2019 - 08.06.2019
Axel Dröber

Opening in Paris, as it was still bearing the scars of the bombings of the war, the 1919-1920 Peace Conference struck people’s minds with its cosmopolitan character and unprecedented ambition. While Vienna had aimed at reorganizing the European order in 1814-1815, Paris had a clear aim of redefining the world order.

As soon as it was opened, the Peace Conference was met with doubts, and even cynicism. It nevertheless carried the great hopes of a return to peace. It is its founding principles – respect for the law, sovereign equality of states, self-determination, public diplomacy –, but also the oppositions and alternative projects that they raised, its sharp or open decisions and their dramatic consequences, positive or bearing the new challenges of the century, that will be at the heart of the debates at our conference.

Mandatory registration!

for events on 5-7 June via Email to event@dhi-paris.fr
Please fill in the following information:
- Name, first name; institution/ fonction
- which part of the program you are going to attend

Registration for round tables on 8 June: www.chateauversailles-recherche.fr/form/


Wednesday, 5 June 2019, German Historical Institute
Institut historique allemand
Hôtel Duret-de-Chevry
8 rue du Parc-Royal
75003 Paris

17h45 Welcome: Thomas MAISSEN (Deutsches Historisches Institut)
18h Introduction: Laurence BADEL (université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne); Peter JACKSON (University of Glasgow)
18h45 Keynote Lecture: Eckart CONZE (Universität Marburg), The Paris Moment. Experiences of War and Challenges of Peace 1919/20

Thursday, 6 June 2019, German Historical Institute

9h–10h30 Panel 1: A new international order based on law, Chair: Norman INGRAM (Concordia University)
Michael CLINTON (Gwynedd Mercy University):Transnational Advocacy, International Order, and National Interest : The European Center of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and the League of Nations, 1914–1921
Vincent LANIOL (UMR SIRICE):L’ordre versaillais, une paix du Droit et de la Justice?
Miloš VEC (Universität Wien): Making Progress under Acid Slag. German International Lawyers on the Post-World War I Order
Débat / Discussion

10h30–11h Coffee break

11h–12h30 Panel 2: A new economic and social order, Chair: Eric BUSSIERE (Sorbonne Université)
Jérôme SGARD (Sciences Po Paris): La Chambre de commerce internationale et l’arbitrage privé international: genèse d’un nouvel ordre commercial
Reiner TOSSTORFF (Universität Mainz): Rewarding Labour for Participating in the War ? The founding of the International Labour Organization (ILO) in 1919 within the Context of the Paris Peace Conference and its legacy
Martin BEMMANN (Universität Freiburg im Breisgau): When the World Economy Came into Being. The Supreme Economic Council and the Establishment of « World Economic Statistics »
Débat / Discussion

12h30–13h30 Lunch

13h30–14h30 Panel 3: Telecommunication and Heritage: New Regulations,
Chair : William MULLIGAN (University College Dublin)
Pascal GRISET (Sorbonne Université): Le traité de Versailles et les télécommunications intercontinentales: entre sortie de guerre et nouvel ordre technico-stratégique (1917–1919)
Erik GOLDSTEIN (Boston University): The Origins of World Heritage and the 1919 Paris Peace Conference
Débat / Discussion

14h30-16h Panel 4: Disappointments and Contestations, Chair: Stefan MARTENS (Deutsches Historisches Institut)
John A. VASQUEZ (University of Illinois): Versailles and the Aftershocks of the First World War: Challenges to an Emerging Order
Volker PROTT (Aston University): The Fallacy of Order: Democratising International Politics at the Paris Peace Conference
Norman INGRAM (Concordia University): Victor versus Vanquished: Article 231 and the Legacy of 1919
Débat / Discussion

16h–16h30 Coffee break

16h30–18h30 Panel 5: Alternative Orders, Chair: Naoko SHIMAZU (Yale-NUS College )
Manfred BERG (Universität Heidelberg): Woodrow Wilson and His Domestic Critics: The United States and World Order after the Great War
Urs Matthias ZACHMANN (Freie Universität Berlin): The Subversive Internationalist – Visions of Interwar Order and Japanese International Lawyers’ Responses to the Paris Peace Conference
Patrick HOULIHAN (University of Oxford): The Other Admiral Yamamoto: Catholic Globalism at the Paris Peace Conference of 1919
Andrew WEBSTER (Murdoch University): Order by Accident: An International Disarmament Regime as Unintended Consequence of the Paris Peace Conference
Débat / Discussion

Friday, 7 June 2019, German Historical Institute

9h–10h30 Panel 6: Citizens in the New International Order, Chair: Jean-Michel GUIEU (université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)
Thomas DAVIES (City University of London): The Role of Transnational Associations in the Proposed New World Order Following the First World War: a Comparative Assessment
Carl BOUCHARD (université de Montréal): À quoi reconnaît-on une mauvaise paix? Observer, commenter, critiquer le nouvel ordre mondial (1919–1920)
Mona SIEGEL (California State University): A Modern Mulan at the Peace Conference: The Nationalist and Feminist Agenda of Soumay Tcheng
Débat / Discussion

10h30–11h Coffee Break

11h–12h30 Panel 7: National Logics, Regional Visions, Chair: Laurence Badel (université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)
Hugues TERTRAIS (université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne): Un nouvel ordre asiatique à Versailles?
Julien GUESLIN (La Contemporaine): La question des États baltes à la conférence de la paix (1919) ou comment tenter de réfléchir à une nouvelle synthèse internationale
Thomas FISCHER (Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt): Negotiating the Covenant of the League of Nations : the Place of Latin America in the World
Débat / Discussion

12h30–14h Lunch

14h–16h Panel 8: The New Global Order Between Inclusion and Exclusion, Chair: Felix BRAHM (German Historical Institute, London)
Oliver BAST (université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3): Globalizing the National or Nationalizing the Global ? Iranian Readings of « Order » and the Paris Peace Conference
Mustafa AKSAKAL (Georgetown University): The International Order in 1919: Views from Turkey
Emmanuelle SIBEUD (université Paris 8): À la porte de la Société des Nations. Nouvel ordre mondial et réaction coloniale en Afrique
Débat / Discussion

Friday, 7 June 2019, French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs
Ministère de l’Europe et des Affaires étrangères
Hôtel du Ministre
37 Quai d’Orsay
75007 Paris

18h–20h Lecture by Georges-Henri SOUTOU (Sorbonne Université), La France a-t-elle perdu la Paix?

Saturday, 8 June 2019, Research Centre Château de Versailles
Château de Versailles – Pavillon Dufour
1 rue de l’Indépendance américaine
78000 Versailles

11h Greeting
11h30–13h Roundtable: Versailles 1919, a sloppy peace ? Moderator: Matthias SCHULZ (université de Genève), debaters: Peter JACKSON (University of Glasgow) ; Vincent LANIOL (UMR SIRICE) ; Jean-Michel GUIEU (université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)

14h45–16h15 Roundtable : Versailles after Versailles (1919-2019), Moderator : Marie-Pierre Rey (université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne), debaters: Antoine MARES (université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne) ; Jörn LEONHARD (Universität Freiburg im Breisgau) ; Séverine BLENNER (Archives diplomatiques)


Axel Dröber
8 rue du Parc-royal
75003 Paris


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