M.A. Lena Dallywater


Recent articles

Rez: N. D. Chandler: "Beyond This Narrow Now" Or, Delimitations, of W. E. B. Du Bois

Rez: B. R. Byrd: The Black Republic

CFP: BASEES Regional Conference: "Globalising Eastern Europe – New Perspectives on Transregional Entanglements"
British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies and Leibniz ScienceCampus „Eastern Europe – Global Area“ (EEGA) in cooperation with the Centre for East European and International Studies (ZOiS), and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Osteuropakunde e. V. (DGO)
Leipzig 16.09.2020 - 19.09.2020

CFP: 6th European Congress on World and Global History, EEGA Panel: "Globalizing Eastern Europe: New Perspectives on Transregional Entanglements of an often Neglected Region"
Leibniz ScienceCampus „Eastern Europe – Global Area“ (EEGA)
Turku 25.06.2020 - 28.06.2020

CFP: II Sommerschule des Leibniz-Wissenschaftscampus "Eastern Europe – Global Area" (EEGA): Wissenschaft und Medien im Dialog
Leibniz-Wissenschaftscampus "Eastern Europe – Global Area" (EEGA)
Leipzig 22.09.2019 - 25.09.2019

CFA: EEGA@interaction: Thematic Workshops and Conferences
Leibniz ScienceCampus “Eastern Europe – Global Area” (EEGA)
Leipzig 01.06.2018

Sem: Zwischen Nordatlantik und Nordpazifik - Zu Russlands Rolle als Mittler in Europa und Asien
EEGA Leibniz ScienceCampus Eastern Europe – Global Area
Leipzig 07.11.2017

CFA: EEGA@future: Postdoc Grants for Preparation of Funding Applications
Leibniz ScienceCampus Eastern Europe – Global Area (EEGA)
Leipzig, Halle, Jena 01.09.2018

Konf: Self-Positioning of Eastern European Societies in Global Relations: Conceptions of Space and Self-Presentations in School Textbooks
Leibniz ScienceCampus Eastern Europe – Global Area (EEGA) and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Osteuropakunde e.V. (DGO), in cooperation: Georg Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research (GEI), Herder Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe (HI), Leibniz Institute for the History and Culture of Eastern Europe (GWZO) and the Department of Slavic and Baltic Studies at the University of Münster (WWU)
Leipzig 06.11.2017 - 07.11.2017

Konf: EEGA-Podiumsdiskussion: "Aktuelle Ansätze für das Schreiben der jüngsten Zeitgeschichte im östlichen Europa"
Leibniz-WissenschaftsCampus "Eastern Europe - Global Area"
Leipzig 09.10.2017

CFP: EEGA@interaction: Thematic Workshops and Conferences
Leibniz ScienceCampus 'Eastern Europe – Global Area' (EEGA)
Leipzig / Halle / Jena 01.07.2017

CFP: EEGA@future: Postgraduate-Grants
Leibniz ScienceCampus EEGA
Leipzig / Halle / Jena 01.10.2017

CFP: EEGA@enrichment: Mid-term Stays for Guest Scholars in Leipzig, Halle and Jena
Leibniz ScienceCampus 'Eastern Europe – Global Area' (EEGA)
Leipzig / Halle / Jena 01.10.2017 - 01.03.2018

CFP: EEGA@enrichment: Short-term Stays for Guest Scholars in Leipzig
Leibniz ScienceCampus "Eastern Europe – Global Area" (EEGA)
Leipzig 15.05.2017

CFP: Leibniz ScienceCampus: Coaching for PostDocs - Funding Applications and Project Proposals
Leibniz ScienceCampus Eastern Europe – Global Area (EEGA)
Leipzig, Halle, Jena 01.04.2017