The Korea Europe Review is now inviting submission proposals for Issue 3 forthcoming in November 2022.
The issue is titled “Transnational Korea and the Korean Cinematic Imagination” in which we seek to explore the theme of the transnational engagement, networks, connections, mobility, communities, diasporas and the cross-cultural flow of ideas between the Korean peninsula and other countries and regions across the globe with special – albeit non-obligatory – emphasis on the role of Korean cinema.
For example, we are interested in the following topics:
a) an investigation of present or past forms and dynamics of political, cultural, social, or economic transnationalization initiating from but also impacting on the Korean peninsula. These dynamics include, among others, flows of transnational mobility in terms of multi-dimensional patterns of migration and remigration, the creation of diasporic communities elsewhere, or processes of cross-cultural engagement, transformation or hybridization both, at home as well as abroad.
b) Processes of transnationalization do not only pertain to migratory, cultural, technological or economic dynamics but also affect the way in which individual and collective identities are established, critically evaluated and re-negotiated but also the way in which processes of identity formation are themselves increasingly being de-territorialized. De-territorialized modes of identity formation thus also impact on the national imagination in terms of the very ideas, concepts, values and images that shape the symbolic representations of the state.
c) Since the mid-1990s, Korean cinema has evolved into one of the most important popular forms of cultural expression. In the last decades, this has also gained significance beyond the Korean peninsula in terms of the transnationalization of Korean film and an increasing global enthusiasm for Korean popular culture. In this issue, we are interested in mapping the transnational cultural impact of Korean cinema but also in exploring the transformation and hybridization of the Korean cinematic imagination by its increasing involvement with transnational influences. This concerns, for example, the question of in how far Korean cinema has been able to preserve singular and idiosyncratic forms of expression, aesthetics, genre and themes vis-à-vis pressures to emulate commercially successful formats and produce internationally competitive blockbusters. It also pertains to the question of whether, and if so in what way, the Korean cinematic imagination has generated “alternative spaces” for the understanding of Korean history and contemporary Korean society.
Please be sure to submit full-length articles no later than July 30, 2022. You are also welcome to discuss your ideas with our editors or equally send in an abstract prior to this date.
If you have any queries concerning your proposal or are unsure whether it fits KER’s thematic scope, please contact our editors at
Please also note that in addition to calls with particular thematic foci, the Korea Europe Review also welcomes submissions on a continual year-round basis.