Oceania is always already home to vast global relations. This call for papers seeks articles that navigate literary and other creative expressions emerging from these relations in the long twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. Critic Epeli Hau‘ofa (1993) decentres colonial and capitalist constructions of the Pacific that frame its islands as sparse and isolated, and reminds the world that “Oceania is vast, Oceania is expanding”. Prior to Hau‘ofa’s assertions, Albert Wendt (1976) points out that creative works allow people to engage with the diverse connections and mobility that Oceania makes possible. More recently, Alice Te Punga Somerville (2012) reasserts that the beings and lands of Oceania do not fit into the categories forced by colonial borders, as “Oceania proposes a dynamic regional sensibility that enlarges and puts pressure on contemporary structures of nature and region”. Yet, there are few publications, especially emerging from UK and European publishers, that prioritise the globality of Oceania expressed through its literatures.
Entering the conversations sustained by scholars of Oceania, this special issue on “Global Visions from Oceania” seeks to emphasise the global, the transnational networks that Oceanic Indigenous peoples and their creative visions participate in. Colonialism constrains and silences Indigenous peoples and their creative visions. Looking at the enormous impacts of climate change throughout the “sea of islands”, exacerbated by extractivism and militarism in Oceania, we call for papers that highlight the diverse relationships that Oceanic literatures engage in, make possible, and maintain. We look for papers that traverse the long held and ongoing networks encompassed in these visions, including those that decentre the human and disrupt colonial borders. We also seek papers that grapple with nodes of international solidarity and collaboration and the global conversations they stimulate in our current tumultuous moment in history.
Please send abstracts (max. 500 words) that foreground Indigenous perspectives and modes of analysis, and short author biographies, by August 15, 2022. Five to seven proposals will be accepted and completed essays of 3,000-5,000 words (excluding references) will be due by December 31, 2022. The submitted pieces will undergo peer review.
Contact Info:
Please send abstracts to guest editors Bonnie Etherington (Bonnie.Etherington@vuw.ac.nz) and Tina Makereti (Tina.Makereti@vuw.ac.nz).